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Tree Information x

Identifier: BPR/1372
Tree Type: Single
Registered By: Smillie, M.J.
Registration Category: Notable tree – International interest
General Notes:
Yatton Park is well known for its outstanding collection of conifers, including some of the largest and tallest Australian Araucariaceae in New Zealand. One of the Norfolk Island pines in the park, often described as the tallest Norfolk Island Pine in New Zealand at 51.4 m (BPR/1068) has recently lost its top, and is now 43 m. A tall tree in Epsom, Auckland (AR/1332) was found to have been fractionally taller than the Yatton Park Tree, and potentially the tallest known Norfolk Island pine in the world.

In the centre of the old arboretum plantings in the park, in a grouping of trees, including the tallest known Queensland kauri (BPR/1026), Bunya pine (BPR/1025), Hoop pine (BPR/1369) and Japanese cedar (BPR/1370) in New Zealand, are four tall Norfolk Island pines, growing in competition with those trees, and two coast redwoods, one 47 m tall. Two trees were measured at 49.4 m and 50.2 m tall. However, the tallest is 52.6 m to a still growing leader. This is the tallest measurement known for the species, leading the 52.1 m Epsom tree and a 51.8 m tree at Tedeschi Winery, Maui, Hawaii measured in 2003.

[Smillie 2016]

Araucaria heterophylla, The Gymnosperm Database, accessed May 2016.

Single Tree Details

Genus: Araucaria
Species: heterophylla
Common names: Norfolk Island pine,
Height: 52.60m
Height measurement method: Laser Nikon Forestry 550
Height Comments: The median of 3 readings (52.6, 52.6 and 52.8 m)
Girth: 490 cm
Girth measurement height: 1.4 m
Girth Comments: (none)
Diameter: 156 cm
Crown Spread A: 16.70m
Crown Spread B: 15.60m
Avg. Crown Spread: 16.15m
Actual Planting Date: actual date not specified
Approx. Planting Date: 1870
e.g. circa. 1860
Current Age: 155 years
Tree Health Description: In fine health, with a vigorous leader.
Tree Form Type: Single Trunk
Number of Trunks: 1
Tree Form Comments: Drawn tall by competition with the surrounding trees.
Champion Tree Score: 379
Local Protection Status: Yes
Tree Present: Yes
STEM Score: 0


Date Observer Action
18 Apr 2016 Smillie, M.J.


Lat/Long: -37.725156069039876 / 176.14670871733676
Location Name: Yatton Park
Address: Fraser St
Suburb: Parkvale
City/Town: Tauranga
Region: Bay of Plenty - Central Plateau
Location Description: In the centre of the park, close to the Harrier St entrance.
Public Accessibility: Local Council Park
Local Authority: Tauranga City Council


Preview Credit Date
Matt Smillie 18 Apr 2016
Matt Smillie 18 Apr 2016
Matt Smillie 18 Apr 2016
Copyright © New Zealand Notable Trees Trust 2009. The NZNTT register is provided and supported by Turboweb.