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Tree Information x

Identifier: AR/1425
Tree Type: Single
Registered By: Snells Settlers
Registration Category: Historic tree/s – Local interest
General Notes:
Cornish miner James Snell arrived in Kawau in 1853 and bought 105 acres at Long Beach, as it was known at the time, the following year.
Snells Beach is situated immediately west of Kawau Island the location of the historic Mansion House, once the private home and land of (Sir George) Governor Grey (14 April 1812 – 19 September 1898).

Whilst there is no specific known history of the tree, it is considered by locals to have been gifted to James Snell by Governor Grey around 1870. Grey was an avid collector of plants from all over the world and was well-known for gifting trees to acquaintances he knew both locally and in other parts of the country.

There are a number of other local trees that are recorded to have been gifted or planted by Sir George Grey. The English oak at Snells Beach Reserve AR/0731, the Norfolk Island pine at Scandretts Bay AR/0730 and a tree planted on the beachfront of the Cantyre Estate at Mahurangi Heads is known to have been planted by him when he was Governor (Snells Settlers, 2017).

1) Our Patch - Snells Beach: Past tense. Local Matters, 16 May, 2016
2) Cantyre Estate. MERRA - Mahurangi East Residents' & Ratepayers' Assoc. Inc
3) Kawau Island Flora Department of Conservation.

Single Tree Details

Genus: Araucaria
Species: heterophylla
Common names: Norfolk Island pine,
Height: 39.50m
Height measurement method: LIDAR
Height Comments: 2013 data used
Girth: 680 cm
Girth measurement height: 1.4 m
Girth Comments: (none)
Diameter: 216.5 cm
Crown Spread A: 21.00m
Crown Spread B: 20.00m
Avg. Crown Spread: 20.50m
Actual Planting Date: actual date not specified
Approx. Planting Date: c1870
e.g. circa. 1860
Current Age: 155 years
Tree Health Description: In very good health
Tree Form Type: Single Trunk
Number of Trunks: 1
Tree Form Comments: A flattened top suggests that height development has slowed
Champion Tree Score: 414
Local Protection Status: No
Tree Present: Yes
STEM Score: 0


Date Observer Action
22 Aug 2017 Snells Settlers


Lat/Long: -36.408134614876936 / 174.7296952484794
Location Name:
Address: 59 Arabella Lane
Suburb: Snells Beach
City/Town: Auckland
Region: Auckland
Location Description: Near the beach frontage at the northern end of the beach
Public Accessibility: Private-Garden
Local Authority: Auckland Council


Preview Credit Date
Snells Settlers 22 Aug 2017
Snells Settlers 22 Aug 2017
Copyright © New Zealand Notable Trees Trust 2009. The NZNTT register is provided and supported by Turboweb.