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Tree Information x

Identifier: AOTA/G1124
Tree Type: Group
Registered By: Maloney, A.D.
Registration Category: Historic tree/s – Local interest
General Notes:

Note: All Norfolk Island pines on the Island were felled in June 2015 because DOC considered them to be weeds (NZNTT).

This group of 12 Norfolk Island pines was* growing on the Farm Terraces on the northern side of Raoul Island. They were planted by Tom Bell, who settled the island with his family in 1878 (an account can be read in 'The Crusoes of Sunday Island' by Elsie K Morton). He acquired the seeds from his friend, Governor George Grey. A painting of his settlement made in 1892, by RWI Carver, shows the row of Norfolk Island pines with 7 tiers of branches so the likely planting date would be around the year Bell settled on the island.
While the trees have so far been protected for being of historic significance, their future is uncertain. They do pose a biodiversity risk to the native forest, as they produce many seedlings. Also, they grow close to the end of the island's emergency airstrip, limiting the weather conditions which aircraft could land if a medical evacuation of Department of Conservation (DoC) staff was needed. For these reasons, DoC plans to remove these trees. The largest tree in the group can be seen on record AOTA/1120 (Maloney, A.D. 2013) *Edited 2015 following their removal (NZNTT).

Read a history of Raoul Island by Dr J Floor Anthoni, 2002.

Group Details

Group Type: Single species
Feature Tree Genus: Araucaria
Feature Tree Species: heterophylla
Feature Tree Common Names: Norfolk Island pine,
QE II Covenanted: No
NZ Indigenous Bush type: Default Value
Actual Planting Date: actual date not specified
Approx. Planting Date: c1878
e.g. circa. 1860
Current Age: 147 years
Tree Health Description: (none)
Local Protection Status: No
Tree Present: No
Number of Trees: 12
Area Covered: (none)
Group of Tree Type: Windbreak


Date Observer Action
09 Aug 2013 Maloney, A.D.


Lat/Long: -29.243899834855245 / -177.9313838481903
Location Name: Bells Flat
Address: Raoul Island
City/Town: Raoul Island
Region: Area Outside Territorial Authority
Location Description: This group was located at the eastern end of Bells Flat
Public Accessibility: Offshore Island
Local Authority: Department of Conservation


Preview Credit Date
Andrew Maloney 09 Aug 2013
Andrew Maloney 09 Aug 2013
Copyright © New Zealand Notable Trees Trust 2009. The NZNTT register is provided and supported by Turboweb.