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Tree Information x

Identifier: TR/0952
Tree Type: Single
Registered By: Smillie, M.J.
Registration Category: Notable tree – National interest
General Notes:

This tree is the smallest of three notable Torrey pines that once grew in Pukekura Park, this being the only one remaining.

The tallest and largest Torrey pine was featured as number 64 in Burstall and Sale's 'Great Trees of New Zealand', noted as being the largest and tallest of the species in New Zealand. Burstall gave a height of 44.9 m tall and a dbh of 151 cm. Located at the northern edge of the children's playground area of Pukekura Park, it was struck by lightning in 1994. George Fuller and Cory Smith remeasuring the tree in 2001 recorded a height of 41.9 m, a dbh of 159 cm and a spread of 29.5 m. Extensive rot as a result of the lightning strike in 1994 eventually led to the removal of the tree in 2004.

Another Torrey pine, only slightly smaller, was located behind the cricket pavilion of the sports ground. Measured in 2001 by Fuller and Smith at 40.0 m in height, a dbh of 152 cm, and a spread of 26.5 m, it too was removed, in 2005.

The remaining Torrey pine, recorded here and formerly overshadowed by the largest, remains standing over the children's playground, just inside the Gilbert Street entrance to the park. It is an impressive tree, with a wide spreading crown, but has not reached the dimensions of the two other specimens. Janssen and Hollman, in their book “Trees of New Zealand” note the estimated height of the remaining Torrey pine at 40 m – the height reading taken for this record is somewhat less.

S.W. Burstall and E.V. Sale, 'Great Trees of New Zealand', 1984
C. Smith, 'Notable Trees of New Plymouth', 2002
G. Fuller, notes at
P. Janssen and M. Hollman, 'Trees of New Zealand', 2011

Single Tree Details

Genus: Pinus
Species: torreyana
Common names: Torrey pine, Del Mar pine, Oledad pine, Soledad pine
Height: 30.60m
Height measurement method: Laser Nikon Forestry 550
Height Comments: Taken from mid-slope to lowest branch, then lowest branch to highest measureable point. Wide, flat crown makes height measurement difficult
Girth: 447 cm
Girth measurement height: 1.4 m
Girth Comments: Girth measurement taken 1.4 m above mid-slope.
Diameter: 142.3 cm
Crown Spread A: 28.00m
Crown Spread B: 26.00m
Avg. Crown Spread: 27.00m
Actual Planting Date: actual date not specified
Approx. Planting Date: circa 1880
e.g. circa. 1860
Current Age: 145 years
Tree Health Description: Appears in fine health
Tree Form Type: Single Trunk
Number of Trunks: 1
Tree Form Comments: Single trunk
Champion Tree Score: 299
Local Protection Status: Yes
Tree Present: Yes
STEM Score: 0


Date Observer Action
27 Jan 2012 Smillie, M.J.


Lat/Long: -39.062575973507 / 174.07649159431458
Location Name: Pukekura Park
Address: Victoria/Gilbert Street Entrance
City/Town: New Plymouth
Region: Taranaki
Location Description: Located close to the entrance at the western end of Gilbert St, to the north of the Childrens Playground
Public Accessibility: Local Council Park
Local Authority: New Plymouth District Council


Preview Credit Date
Matt Smillie 02 Jan 2012
Matt Smillie 02 Jan 2012
Copyright © New Zealand Notable Trees Trust 2009. The NZNTT register is provided and supported by Turboweb.