Identifier: | AR/G0914 |
Historical Reg No: | 185 |
Tree Type: | Group |
Registered By: | Hutchinson, M. & Adam, J. |
Registration Category: | Notable tree/s – Local interest |
General Notes:
Update: Eight Algerian Oaks remain. Heights range from 21.2 to 15.6m in height and 1.40m to 0.72m DBH. Seven are in poor health with considerable die-back.
Four English oak are in the reserve as well. Heights range from 10.6 to 2.5m and 0.18 to 0.04m DBH. (Barton, S. pers.comm by email 26.3.18). There are nine trees in this avenue . The dimensions range from 9.9m. to 21.7m. in height and girth at from 2.1m. to 4.2m. They are of note botanically and have historical importance as being an early forestry planting on the northern shore of the Waitemata Harbour. They are also associated with the early landowners Rev. Charles Frederick and Mrs. Hannah Baker, both missionaries circa 1880 (Adam 1989). |
Group Type: | Single species | |
Feature Tree Genus: | Quercus | |
Feature Tree Species: | canariensis | |
Feature Tree Common Names: | Algerian oak, Mirbeck's oak | |
QE II Covenanted: | No | |
Actual Planting Date: | 1880 | |
Approx. Planting Date: |
e.g. circa. 1860 |
Current Age: | 145 years | |
Tree Health Description: | Seven are in poor health with considerable die-back. | |
Local Protection Status: | Unknown | |
Tree Present: | Yes | |
Number of Trees: | 8 | |
Area Covered: | (not known) | |
Group of Tree Type: | Avenue |
Date | Observer | Action |
26 Mar 2018 | Barton, S. | |
01 Jan 1989 | Hutchinson, M. & Adam, J. |