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It has been more than ten years since we recorded a measurement for this tree. If you are able to provide us with new measurements please fill out the information submission form for this tree.

Tree Information x

Identifier: WKR/0785
Tree Type: Single
Registered By: Frazer, D.
Registration Category: Historic tree/s – Local interest
General Notes:

The largest tree of 24 trees in a double avenue. (The fifth tree from the northern end on the eastern side of the avenue).

'Ruakura Agricultural Research Centre, Hamilton, DBH 36 in. x 83 ft in 1969, one of a 16-chain avenue with trees spaced one chain apart along rows and 36 ft across the avenue.' Ref; NZFRI Forest Mensuration Report 17, Page 28. S.W. Burstall, Historic and Notable Trees of New Zealand: Waikato, Thames Valley - Coromandel and Bay of Plenty. April 1972 (unpublished).

The following notes were written by Daniel Frazer from information supplied by Ms. Jean Green and her son Jeff Green, the daughter-in-law and grandson of A.W. Green. January 2011.
'Alfred William Green was born in Morrinsville on 24th September, 1884. He first came to Ruakura Agricultural Research Centre in 1908 and worked there as farm manager until 1925. Green was a notable horticulturalist that had a passion for trees. He was responsible for much of the early plantings of trees throughout Ruakuraʼs extensive grounds. Many of his plantings were avenues lining the myriad of lanes that were the arterial transport system throughout the farmland. When he left Ruakura, Green moved to Clarkin Road, Hamilton, where he bought a block of land and established a nursery there. He was well known around the district for his tree specimens and his generosity. He often gave free trees away to children who came to his nursery. Green was a member of the RNZIH and was presented many awards by them over the years. He was awarded the 'Associate of Honour' in 1955 for his services to New Zealand Horticulture. A.W. Green died in 1961. He was a remarkable man with a vast array of knowledge and experience. These trees and others that he was instrimental in planting are a fitting living memorial to him.'

Single Tree Details

Genus: Platanus
Species: x hispanica 'Acerifolia'
Common names: London plane,
Height: 30.00m
Height measurement method: Laser Atlanta Advantage
Height Comments: Tallest tree in the avenue is 33m, shortest tree is 26m.
Girth: 424 cm
Girth measurement height: 1.4 m
Girth Comments: Smallest tree in the avenue is 298cm.
Diameter: 135 cm
Crown Spread A: 26.00m
Crown Spread B: 29.00m
Avg. Crown Spread: 27.50m
Actual Planting Date: actual date not specified
Approx. Planting Date: c1912
e.g. circa. 1860
Current Age: 113 years
Tree Health Description: Tree in good condition, good vigor and suitable site.
Tree Form Type: Single Trunk
Number of Trunks: 1
Tree Form Comments: Tree form is very good for species, tree has slight lean NNE and avenue orientation is slightly NNW.
Champion Tree Score: 288
Local Protection Status: Unknown
Tree Present: Yes
STEM Score: 0


Date Observer Action
27 Jan 2011 Frazer, D.
08 Nov 2000 Moohan, S.
28 Jan 1969 Burstall, S.W.


Lat/Long: -37.77785523025255 / 175.3109836578369
Location Name: Innovation Park
Address: Melody Lane
Suburb: Ruakura
City/Town: Hamilton
Region: Waikato
Location Description: Avenue runs up Melody Lane 100m from Ruakura Road and stops just before the railway lines.
Public Accessibility: Commercial
Local Authority: Hamilton City Council


Preview Credit Date
Daniel Frazer 30 Jan 2011
Daniel Frazer 30 Jan 2011
Daniel Frazer 30 Jan 2011
Daniel Frazer 12 Jan 2011
Copyright © New Zealand Notable Trees Trust 2009. The NZNTT register is provided and supported by Turboweb.