General Notes:
See notes for Registration no. 202. 'The property on which this tree is growing was established by Alfred Ludlam in the 1840's when his house was built there, next to Francis Molesworth's property. The latter, after Molesworth suffered a serious accident, was joined to Ludlam's own property under the title of "Newry". About 8 acres of this were developed with plantings of Ludlam's collection of exotic trees etc. Dubbed "Father of the Wellington Botanic Garden". Ludlam was a nominated-foundation Governor of the N.Z. Institute. He died in 1876 and his property became McNab's Gardens, named after its new owner. Subsequently, it changed hands again and was renamed Bellevue Gardens. Open to the public, it was a popular tea garden for a number of years. The garden was offered to the nation and to the Hutt Council but the purchase lapsed for want of funds. The property was finally subdivided, but many fine trees and plants still survive'. Shepherd & Watson 1990.