The NZNTT is actively seeking updated information for all trees in the register. If you have information about this tree that we don't currently have recorded, or wish to advise of an inaccuracy please use our information submission form to help us build a complete profile of this tree.

Tree Information x

Identifier: WTR/1809
Tree Type: Single
Registered By: Hill, R.N.
Registration Category: Historic tree/s – Local interest
General Notes:
“Purchased by the Crown in 1865 the Prime Minister's Residence also known as Premier house. In 1874 the Crown acquired section 632 once owned by James Hill. Sections 630, 631 and 632 are the last three original town acre sections in Wellington. The 1874 purchase brought the grounds surrounding Premier House (where the horse chestnut stands) to just under 121 square metres, a dramatic contrast to the small, heavily built-up sections that characterised the rest of Thorndon. The grounds were landscaped soon after this acquisition. A site plan of 1890 shows a kitchen garden, shrubberies, flower-beds and fruit trees. The small house on section 632, which had been rented by both Sir George Grey and Edward Gibbon Wakefield, was retained on its site until 1935 when it was replaced with a new ministerial residence by the Labour Government. Many of the trees planted in the 1870s had been retained, and enough of the original framework of the garden had survived to enable city council gardeners to restore it to its former glory. The grounds are now considered one of the best examples of a Victorian garden. Now the Wellington residence of the Prime Minister, the house and grounds are maintained as a piece of living heritage.”

Single Tree Details

Genus: Aesculus
Species: hippocastanum
Common names: horse chestnut,
Height: 14.20m
Height measurement method: Nikon Forestry Pro
Height Comments: (none)
Girth: 498 cm
Girth measurement height: 0.2 m
Girth Comments: (none)
Diameter: 158.5 cm
Crown Spread A: 20.00m
Crown Spread B: 22.00m
Avg. Crown Spread: 21.00m
Actual Planting Date: actual date not specified
Approx. Planting Date: 1870
e.g. circa. 1860
Current Age: 155 years
Tree Health Description: Very good
Tree Form Type: Multi-trunk
Number of Trunks: 4
Tree Form Comments: (none)
Champion Tree Score: 0
Local Protection Status: Yes
Tree Present: Yes
STEM Score: 0


Date Observer Action
07 Apr 2022 Hill, R.N. & Cadwallader, B. G.


Lat/Long: -41.276274 / 174.770980
Location Name: Premier House
Address: 260 Tinakori Rd,
Suburb: Thorndon
City/Town: Wellington
Region: Wellington
Location Description: Adjacent to guest accommodation
Public Accessibility: Private-Garden
Local Authority: Wellington City Council


Preview Credit Date
Richie Hill 07 Apr 2017
Richie Hill 07 Apr 2017
Copyright © New Zealand Notable Trees Trust 2009. The NZNTT register is provided and supported by Turboweb.