General Notes:
Kaihere school was originally established in a woolshed in 1914, later in 1923 an additional room was built. By 1939 a new site was purchased, and in 1940 the current three-roomed school was erected. Mr. Howard McGowan, served as school principal from 1934–1943.
The origin of these of oaks follow McGowan writing to various Commonwealth countries around the world asking for acorns which would be planted around the grounds. Acorns were subsequently received from; The New Forest, Windsor Castle (England), Cardiff (Wales), Edinburgh, Balmoral Castle (Scotland), Portadown, Dublin (Ireland), Ottawa (Canada), Suva Cricket Grounds (Fiji), Stellenbosch University (South Africa), Melbourne (Australia) and Waitangi. These were carefully germinated and in 1940, at one year old, were planted along the boundary of the new school site to commemorate New Zealand’s Centenary (Hair, D. J., 2021).
The History of Kaihere School & District (2014) 100th Jubilee, Compiled & edited by Tracey Spence & published by the Kaihere School 100th Jubilee Committee