The NZNTT is actively seeking updated information for all trees in the register. If you have information about this tree that we don't currently have recorded, or wish to advise of an inaccuracy please use our information submission form to help us build a complete profile of this tree.

Tree Information x

Identifier: AR/1779
Tree Type: Single
Registered By: Barton, S. G.
Registration Category: Historic tree – National interest
General Notes:
"This tree was grown from an acorn brought to New Zealand by the Prout brothers in 1864. The acorn was from the then very old Cowthorpe Oak, one of the oaks mentioned in the Doomsday Book as a landmark in the Vale of York" (FRI Historic and Notable Trees Northland and Auckland by S.W. Burstall). The tree, known as the Runciman Oak, is located above the S.H.1 Motorway Drury onramp north, and the construction of the onramp in the 1960s may have contributed to the significant dieback in the tree. Due to the concern that the tree may die, the local community members worked with Transit N.Z. (NZTA) to collect acorns to grow on and plant on either side of the motorway. The Specimen Tree Company collected acorns in 1995, and the first planting which involved the community was in 1998. Due to damage by mowing contractors, many of these oaks did not survive, so further acorn collection and planting occurred in the early 2000s. The oaks trees growing around the Runciman Oak along the boundary fence are thought to be prodigy of the Oak. Some of these trees are now overgrowing the Runciman Oak and should be removed.

Single Tree Details

Genus: Quercus
Species: robur
Common names: English oak, common oak, oak
Given Name: Runciman Oak
Height: 10.00m
Height measurement method: Estimated
Height Comments: Difficult to get a good reading from the laser rangefinder
Girth: 350 cm
Girth measurement height: 1.4 m
Girth Comments: Cannot access the tree so estimated. Same with canopy spread.
Diameter: 111.4 cm
Crown Spread A: 13.20m
Crown Spread B: 9.20m
Avg. Crown Spread: 11.20m
Actual Planting Date: actual date not specified
Approx. Planting Date: circa 1864
e.g. circa. 1860
Current Age: 161 years
Tree Health Description: Low to fair vigour and vitality
Tree Form Type: Single Trunk
Number of Trunks: 1
Tree Form Comments: Was reduced in early 2000s to remove the major deadwood and large structural branches to major epicormic growth. Weight reduction of the eastern side of the canopy also occurred then
Champion Tree Score: 180
Local Protection Status: Yes
Tree Present: Yes
STEM Score: 0


Date Observer Action
22 Nov 2021 Barton, S. G.


Lat/Long: -37.1049169150972 / 174.9454283436554
Location Name:
Address: S H 1 Great South Road On Ramp, Drury Interchange
Suburb: Drury
City/Town: Auckland
Region: Auckland
Location Description: On a retained area above the on ramp adjacent to Victoria Street
Public Accessibility: Road Reserve
Local Authority: Auckland Council


Preview Credit Date
Stuart Barton 20 Nov 2021
Stuart Barton 20 Nov 2021
Copyright © New Zealand Notable Trees Trust 2009. The NZNTT register is provided and supported by Turboweb.