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Tree Information x

Identifier: AR/G1534
Tree Type: Group
Registered By: RNZIH - Auckland Branch
Registration Category: Historic tree/s – Local interest
General Notes:
These prestigious apartments were built in 1969 in an effort to preserve Selwyn Robinson's magnificent estate. The care that went into the development at the time is still very much evident today. Venerable trees, some dating back to a hundred years before the property's development, sit amid almost 2.7 hectares of lush landscaped gardens giving residents a sense of permanence and peace.
From 1856 when the land was first granted to Auckland pioneer Andrew Sinclair (a natural historian and co-founder of Auckland Museum), to the present day,the entire estate has been retained intact. Previous owners include Edward King, builder of schools and churches in the Auckland Province; Albert Beetham, first chairman and of the South British Insurance Company and noted Horticulturalist; Isaac Richardson Vialoux, architect; Francis Sinclair, poet; polo –playing lawyer William Read Blomfield; and Selwyn Robinson.
It is specifically two of Auckland’s founding fathers who were responsible for tree planting in the Epsom/Eden areas what are now some of the most historic specimens in Auckland. George Burgoyne Owen, who is recorded as having planted the red turpentine and puriri on the Pines site and other historic trees in the area, Owens Road is named after him. The other person responsible for much of the planting of trees in the area at the time was Thomas Bannatyne Gillies.
The gardens and facilities have continued to mature and be nurtured by successive Board of directors and owners over the years. Three major trees were lost in 2004 when one was hit by lightning and two others being destroyed as it fell.
Historical notes taken from

Group Details

Group Type: Mixed species
Feature Tree Genus: Agathis
Feature Tree Species: robusta
Feature Tree Common Names: south Queensland kauri, Queensland kauri, tennis ball tree
Additional Feature Tree Genus: Platanus
Additional Feature Tree Common names: London plane,
Additional Feature Tree Species: x hispanica 'Acerifolia'
QE II Covenanted: No
NZ Indigenous Bush type: Default Value
Actual Planting Date: 1865
Approx. Planting Date:
e.g. circa. 1860
Current Age: 160 years
Tree Health Description: A very healthy collection of trees
Local Protection Status: No
Tree Present: Yes
Number of Trees: 75
Area Covered: 2.7 hectares
Group of Tree Type: Amenity Planting


Date Observer Action
26 Jun 2019 RNZIH - Auckland Branch


Lat/Long: -36.87788578934622 / 174.7679963150665
Location Name: The Pines
Address: 75 Owens Road
Suburb: Epsom
City/Town: Auckland
Region: Auckland
Location Description: The more significant trees are in the lower garden and slope to below the apartments.
Public Accessibility: Private-Garden
Local Authority: Auckland Council


Preview Credit Date
Unknown stock image 26 Jun 2019
Copyright © New Zealand Notable Trees Trust 2009. The NZNTT register is provided and supported by Turboweb.