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Tree Information x

Identifier: WRR/G1515
Tree Type: Group
Registered By: Hill, R.N.
Registration Category: Notable tree/s – Local interest
General Notes:
After searching the Wairarapa Archives to trace the origins of the property. No reference for, or to why, the reserve is named Collier could be found, but looking at the history of the site it’s considered that the name was determined by the Beautifying society at the time it was made a reserve. Tracing the origins of the site proved difficult, as the site was subdivided and then amalgamated and subdivided again. But comparing the girths of the trees with known planting dates of other trees of the same species, most of the trees are likely to have been be planted between c1890- 1920 at which time the records show the site was under the ownership of the Kempton’s who were one of the first settlers to Greytown. In addition to this the following information has been provided by the owners of 45 Kempton St (T.Morris and P. Canton) after the late historian (Frank Fyfe) carried out research on their property, which is located in proximity to the reserve:
“The following history of the tree (ash tree located at 45 Kempton St) is entwined with the history of the cottage at 45 Kempton Street written by local historian, the late Frank Fyfe in about 1986. The cottage, originally 2 rooms, was built c1871 as the dwelling for a small farm that was accessed initially from West Street. The original owners are credited with planting the oak, horse chestnut and common ash trees that now make up the listed trees on the Collier Reserve, West Street. At some stage early in its history the owners discovered the cottage sat in a flood channel and it was moved by bullock sledge to the highest part of the land, where it now sits at 45 Kempton Street, surviving all subsequent floods. The English ash at Kempton St was taken with the cottage and replanted while the other trees (Collier Reserve) remained where they are”.
[Hill, R.N. 2019]

Group Details

Group Type: Mixed species
Feature Tree Genus: Quercus
Feature Tree Species: robur
Feature Tree Common Names: English oak, common oak, oak
Additional Feature Tree Genus:
Additional Feature Tree Common names:
Additional Feature Tree Species:
QE II Covenanted: No
NZ Indigenous Bush type: Default Value
Given Name: Collier Reserve
Actual Planting Date: actual date not specified
Approx. Planting Date: 1920
e.g. circa. 1860
Current Age: 105 years
Tree Health Description: (none)
Local Protection Status: Yes
Tree Present: Yes
Number of Trees: 16
Area Covered: (none)
Group of Tree Type: Amenity Planting


Date Observer Action
06 Mar 2019 Hill, R.N.


Lat/Long: -41.083623 / 175.454100
Location Name: Collier Reserve
Address: Opp 141 West Street
City/Town: Greytown
Region: Wairarapa
Location Description: Reserve adjacent to West St
Public Accessibility: Local Council Park
Local Authority: South Wairarapa District Council


Preview Credit Date
Richie Hill 05 Oct 2018
Copyright © New Zealand Notable Trees Trust 2009. The NZNTT register is provided and supported by Turboweb.