The NZNTT is actively seeking updated information for all trees in the register. If you have information about this tree that we don't currently have recorded, or wish to advise of an inaccuracy please use our information submission form to help us build a complete profile of this tree.

Tree Information x

Identifier: AR/G1501
Tree Type: Group
Registered By: CHERPA
Registration Category: General tree/s
General Notes:
Stand of pohutukawa along the seawall, Chelsea Sugar Refinery, planted c1908

Group Details

Group Type: Single species
Feature Tree Genus: Metrosideros
Feature Tree Species: excelsa
Feature Tree Common Names: pōhutukawa,
QE II Covenanted: No
NZ Indigenous Bush type: Default Value
Given Name: Pohutukawa
Actual Planting Date: actual date not specified
Approx. Planting Date: circa 1908
e.g. circa. 1860
Current Age: 116 years
Tree Health Description: good, last trimmed in 2018 before opening of cafe. Roots and soil could do with protection.
Local Protection Status: Unknown
Tree Present: Yes
Number of Trees: 10
Area Covered: 50-100 metres
Group of Tree Type: Avenue


Date Observer Action
06 Dec 2018 CHERPA


Lat/Long: -36.81996457642335 / 174.7254616796539
Location Name: Chelsea Sugar seawall
Address: 60 Colonial Road
Suburb: Birkenhead
City/Town: Auckland
Region: Auckland
Location Description: Stand of 10-15 mature pohutukawa along seawall from Auckland Council Chelsea Heritage Estate Park land to Chelsea Sugar (Wilmar International)
Public Accessibility: Public Walkway
Local Authority: Auckland Council


Preview Credit Date
Chelsea Estate (CHERPA) 06 Dec 2018
Copyright © New Zealand Notable Trees Trust 2009. The NZNTT register is provided and supported by Turboweb.