The NZNTT is actively seeking updated information for all trees in the register. If you have information about this tree that we don't currently have recorded, or wish to advise of an inaccuracy please use our information submission form to help us build a complete profile of this tree.

Tree Information x

Identifier: NR/1292
Tree Type: Single
Registered By: Hodgson, G.L.
Registration Category: Historic tree – National interest
General Notes:
This tree was planted by Matilda Puckey ( nee Davis), who was sister-in law to Elizabeth Mair, referred to below. It is likely to have been one of a box of seedlings collected from Norfolk Island and brought to New Zealand in 1836 by John Edgerley, gardener and botanist to Lieutenant Thomas McDonnell, R.N. (Retired). It is generally accepted that this was the first introduction of this species to New Zealand.

The history of how two seedlings arrived at Waitangi is recorded by Robert Mair (1830-1920). β€˜In 1836 my mother (Elizabeth, wife of Gilbert Mair) had a box of Norfolk pines given her by Captain Thomas McDonnell of Hokianga. She gave two to James Busby, the then British Resident, and planted one at our home, Wahapu, Bay of Islands (See record NR/0726).’ Other seedlings from the box were planted at a number of mission stations in the North and one at McDonnell's residence at Horeke, with some being destroyed by Elizabeth Mair's young daughter. One of the trees gifted to James Busby is listed on record NR/0734 (Hodgson, G.L. 2015).

Single Tree Details

Genus: Araucaria
Species: heterophylla
Common names: Norfolk Island pine,
Given Name: Norfolk Island Pine
Height: 30.00m
Height measurement method: Estimated
Height Comments: Reduced through effects of age and weather
Girth: 0 cm
Girth measurement height: 0 m
Girth Comments: (none)
Diameter: 0 cm
Crown Spread A: 0.00m
Crown Spread B: 0.00m
Avg. Crown Spread: 0.00m
Actual Planting Date: actual date not specified
Approx. Planting Date: circa 1836
e.g. circa. 1860
Current Age: 189 years
Tree Health Description: Severely affected by weather and age, now regenerating.
Tree Form Type: Single Trunk
Number of Trunks: 1
Tree Form Comments: Damaged
Champion Tree Score: 98
Local Protection Status: No
Tree Present: Yes
STEM Score: 0


Date Observer Action
23 Apr 2015 Hodgson, G.L.


Lat/Long: -35.08798142202436 / 173.25088400422976
Location Name: 'Woodville'
Address: 53 Wireless Rd Kaitaia 0482
City/Town: Kaitaia
Region: Northland
Location Description: In paddock beside location of original homestead
Public Accessibility: Private-Garden
Local Authority: Far North District Council


Preview Credit Date
Grant Hodgson 10 Apr 2015
Grant Hodgson 01 Jan 1902
Copyright © New Zealand Notable Trees Trust 2009. The NZNTT register is provided and supported by Turboweb.