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It has been more than ten years since we recorded a measurement for this tree. If you are able to provide us with new measurements please fill out the information submission form for this tree.

Tree Information x

Identifier: MR/G1264
Tree Type: Group
Registered By: Bade, I.P.S.
Registration Category: Notable tree – National interest
General Notes:

This group of Hectors tree daisy are a remnant of a very rare species (estimated 4500 specimens over 90 locations in the South Island) and appear to be very old (600yrs+?). The largest known population occurs in Marlborough's Clarence catchment, where approximately 2000 plants are known. The tallest in this group are about 10 meters high. O. hectorii are are deciduous and have small yellow flowers in spring. The Dept. of Conservation advise that the trees are generally found on the forest margins in the high country near streams and appear to favour open sites that are either, or were, canopy gaps in the forest and stream banks. Their bark is unusual and reminiscent of old cork or olive trees (Bade, 2015).
Reference: Olearia hectorii Department of Conservation website

Group Details

Group Type: Single species
Feature Tree Genus: Olearia
Feature Tree Species: hectorii
Feature Tree Common Names: Hectors daisey tree,
QE II Covenanted: No
NZ Indigenous Bush type: Default Value
Given Name: Hectors Tree Daisy
Actual Planting Date: actual date not specified
Approx. Planting Date: not known
e.g. circa. 1860
Current Age: not known years
Tree Health Description: Appears good
Local Protection Status: Unknown
Tree Present: Yes
Number of Trees: 6
Area Covered: 1/4 acre
Group of Tree Type: Bush Remnant


Date Observer Action
05 Feb 2015 Bade, I.P.S.


Lat/Long: -41.920500971354144 / 173.92835678360598
Location Name: The Zoo
Address: .
City/Town: Kekerengu
Region: Marlborough
Location Description: Located on the margin of Zoo swamp at the head of Nidd Stream a tributary of the Clarence River. The stand is approximately 400 metres (10 minutes) walk from Zoo Hut.
Public Accessibility: Department of Conservation
Local Authority: Marlborough District Council


Preview Credit Date
Ian Bade 01 Feb 2003
Ian Bade 01 Feb 2003
Ian Bade 01 Feb 2003
Copyright © New Zealand Notable Trees Trust 2009. The NZNTT register is provided and supported by Turboweb.