The NZNTT is actively seeking updated information for all trees in the register. If you have information about this tree that we don't currently have recorded, or wish to advise of an inaccuracy please use our information submission form to help us build a complete profile of this tree.
It has been more than ten years since we recorded a measurement for this tree. If you are able to provide us with new measurements please fill out the information submission form for this tree.

Tree Information x

Identifier: AR/0334
Historical Reg No: 173
Tree Type: Single
Registered By: Donaldson GR
Registration Category: Notable tree – International interest
General Notes:

Former national tree surveys had recorded this tree as the second largest specimen in New Zealand. 'The second biggest Angophora in New Zealand'. Ref. Burstall SW & Sale EV. 'Great Trees of New Zealand' 1984; p.188 & plate 9.

The largest of this species was formerly known to be a tree at Mapua, Nelson. Investigations have established that the early measurements included a multiple of stems (7) that had been contained within the girth recorded for this tree. It therefore was not a single stem. The Hobsonville tree can safely be considered the largest Angophora in New Zealand and may potentially be the largest living specimen in the world. The largest recorded tree was 10m in girth (measured at the base). This tree, which died in 1933, was located in Angophora Reserve near Avalon in NSW. No other known trees exist that are the size of the Hobsonville tree (Cadwallader BG, April 2010).

The Hobsonville tree was included in the (former) Waitemata City Council's District Scheme tree schedule' (Donaldson 1988). It is now covered on the Waitakere City Council tree schedule.

A plaque at the base of the tree suggests that Govenor Grey planted the tree.

Single Tree Details

Genus: Angophora
Species: costata
Common names: smooth-barked apple, rusty gum, Sydney red gum
Height: 28.00m
Height measurement method: Clinometer
Height Comments: Taken at 40 metres
Girth: 757 cm
Girth measurement height: 1.1 m
Girth Comments: Taken below the branch flare at the waist.
Diameter: 241 cm
Crown Spread A: 37.00m
Crown Spread B: 30.00m
Avg. Crown Spread: 33.50m
Actual Planting Date: actual date not specified
Approx. Planting Date: circa 1880
e.g. circa. 1860
Current Age: 145 years
Tree Health Description: In very good health. Some damage to the northern base of the tree that looks to have been caused by the removal of a large branch. Mar. 2010
Tree Form Type: Single Trunk
Number of Trunks: 1
Tree Form Comments: A typical open grown specimen.
Champion Tree Score: 417
Local Protection Status: Yes
Tree Present: Yes
STEM Score: 0


Date Observer Action
16 Mar 2010 Cadwallader, BG
01 Jan 1988 Donaldson, G.R.


Lat/Long: -36.8004623932039 / 174.64606404304504
Location Name:
Address: 5 Williams Road
Suburb: Hobsonville
City/Town: Auckland
Region: Auckland
Location Description: On the frontage and quite visible from the street.
Public Accessibility: Private-Garden
Local Authority: Auckland Council


Preview Credit Date
Brad Cadwallader 16 Mar 2010
Brad Cadwallader 16 Mar 2010
Copyright © New Zealand Notable Trees Trust 2009. The NZNTT register is provided and supported by Turboweb.