Single Trees Last Measured More Than Ten Years Ago


Identifier Last Measured Street Address Suburb City Genus Species
CR/1280 2015 Marine Drive Charteris Bay Lyttelton Sequoiadendron giganteum
CR/1521 2015 8 Governors Bay-Teddington Rd Govenors Bay Quercus robur
CR/0660 2015 31 Governors Bay-Teddington Road Governors Bay Lyttleton Araucaria cunninghamii
CR/1675 2014 100 Cathedral Square Christchurch Platanus x hispanica 'Acerifolia'
CR/1676 2014 100 Cathedral Square Christchurch Platanus x hispanica 'Acerifolia'
CR/1677 2014 100 Cathedral Square Christchurch Platanus x hispanica 'Acerifolia'
CR/1344 2014 300 Stanmore Road Christchurch Ulmus glabra 'Horizontalis'
CR/1569 2014 32a Glandovey Road Fendalton Christchurch Quercus robur
CR/1248 2014 21 Butts Valley Rd Heathcote Christchurch Eucalyptus globulus
CR/1233 2014 Mountain View Road Culverden Sequoiadendron giganteum
CR/1221 2014 Grange Road Hapuku Podocarpus totara
CR/1226 2013 Rolleston Ave Christchurch Tsuga heterophylla
CR/1170 2013 39 Hislop Street Geraldine Cedrus atlantica 'Glauca'
CR/1196 2013 39 Hislop St Geraldine Calocedrus decurrens
CR/1204 2013 Allandale Road / Geraldine-Fairlie Highway Fairlie Pinus ponderosa
CR/1194 2013 Junction of Homebush & Bangor Road Darfield Pinus ponderosa
CR/1197 2013 Cnr Cox and Hislop Streets Geraldine Quercus palustris
CR/1198 2013 Heslop Street Geraldine Quercus robur
CR/1199 2013 Heslop Street Geraldine Quercus robur
CR/1598 2013 Hislop Street Geraldine Pseudotsuga menziesii
CR/1480 2013 1 Brake Road RD 22 Geraldine Mt Peel Geraldine Pseudotsuga menziesii
CR/1104 2013 37 Valley Road Cashmere Christchurch Morus
CR/1089 2013 Rolleston Avenue Christchurch Catalpa bignonioides
CR/1086 2013 Rolleston Avenue Christchurch Zelkova serrata
CR/1121 2013 Rolleston Avenue Christchurch Wollemia nobilis
CR/1109 2012 Rolleston Ave Christchurch Sequoiadendron giganteum
CR/1110 2012 Rolleston Avenue Christchurch Sequoiadendron giganteum
CR/1111 2012 Rolleston Avenue Christchurch Sequoiadendron giganteum
CR/1112 2012 Rolleston Avenue Christchurch Sequoiadendron giganteum
CR/1071 2012 Hagley Park Christchurch Glyptostrobus pensilis
CR/1040 2012 131 Percival Street Rangiora Sequoiadendron giganteum
CR/1114 2012 Rolleston Ave Christchurch Sequoiadendron giganteum
CR/1119 2012 Rolleston Ave Christchurch Quercus robur
CR/1359 2012 Rolleston Ave Christchurch Agathis australis
CR/1395 2012 65 Fendalton Ave Riccarton Christchurch Ulmus glabra 'Camperdownii'
CR/1113 2012 Rolleston Avenue Christchurch Sequoiadendron giganteum
CR/1115 2012 Rolleston Ave Christchurch Eucalyptus globulus x urnigera
CR/1822 2012 Rolleston Ave Christchurch Sequoiadendron giganteum
CR/1080 2012 Rolleston Avenue Christchurch Araucaria araucana
CR/1257 2012 Rolleston Ave Christchurch Tilia cordata
CR/1056 2012 Rolleston Avenue Christchurch Araucaria bidwillii
CR/1256 2012 Rolleston Ave Christchurch Fraxinus excelsior
CR/1074 2012 Rolleston Avenue Christchurch Sequoiadendron giganteum
CR/1084 2012 Rolleston Avenue Christchurch Araucaria bidwillii
CR/1083 2012 Rolleston Ave Christchurch Fagus sylvatica 'Laciniata'
CR/1085 2012 Rolleston Avenue Christchurch Tilia tomentosa
CR/1087 2012 Rolleston Avenue Christchurch Sequoiadendron giganteum
CR/1088 2012 Rolleston Avenue Christchurch Pinus ponderosa
CR/1090 2012 Rolleston Avenue Christchurch Sequoia sempervirens
CR/1011 2012 Hagley Park Christchurch Taxus baccata 'Dovastoniana'
CR/1008 2012 10 Geraldine-Fairlie Highway Geraldine Pinus radiata
CR/1009 2012 Rangitata Gorge Road Mt Peel Podocarpus totara
CR/1010 2012 Blandswood Road Blandswood Podocarpus totara
CR/1000 2012 208 Racecourse Road Sockburn Christchurch Phoenix canariensis
CR/0972 2012 340 Main North Road Redwood Christchurch Sequoiadendron giganteum
CR/0970 2012 Conical Hill Road Hanmer Pinus ponderosa
CR/0957 2012 Cnr Seddon & Rolleston Streets Cheviot Ulmus glabra 'Camperdownii'
CR/0961 2011 Hagley Park Christchurch Pinus brutia
CR/0570 2011 12 Kahu Road Riccarton Christchurch Tilia 'Petiolaris'
CR/0559 2011 12 Kahu Road Riccarton Christchurch Eucalyptus globulus subsp. globulus
CR/0564 2011 12 Kahu Road Riccarton Christchurch Abies pinsapo
CR/0550 2011 12 Kahu Road Riccarton Christchurch Quercus robur
CR/0569 2011 12 Kahu Road Riccarton Christchurch Chamaecyparis lawsoniana
CR/0960 2011 Rolleston Avenue Christchurch Eucalyptus delegatensis subsp. delegatensis
CR/0573 2011 12 Kahu Road Riccarton Christchurch Xanthocyparis nootkatensis
CR/0551 2011 12 Kahu Road Riccarton Christchurch Ulmus procera
CR/0958 2011 Cnr Rolleston & Buckley Streets Cheviot Quercus palustris
CR/0943 2011 104 French Farm Valley Road RD 2 Akaroa Elaeocarpus hookerianus
CR/0809 2011 Amuri Avenue Hanmer Springs Sequoiadendron giganteum
CR/0810 2011 Amuri Avenue Hanmer Springs Sequoiadendron giganteum
CR/P0792 2011 Old Tai Tapu Road Tai Tapu Christchurch Eucalyptus
CR/1001 2010 Lochee Road Riccarton Christchurch Eucalyptus pulchella
CR/0692 2009 Cnr King & Queen Sts Kensington Timaru Metasequoia glyptostroboides
CR/1003 2008 Hagley Park Christchurch Metasequoia glyptostroboides
CR/0738 2008 Hagley Park Christchurch Metasequoia glyptostroboides
CR/1213 2005 130 Rue Jolie Akaroa Rhopalostylis sapida
CR/1214 2005 130 Rue Jolie Akaroa Rhopalostylis sapida
CR/1215 2005 130 Rue Jolie Akaroa Rhopalostylis sapida
CR/0600 1998 263 Cambridge Tce. Christchurch Fagus sylvatica 'Purpurea'
CR/G0920 1997 1012 Mayfield-Valetta Road RD 1 Ashburton Pseudotsuga menziesii
CR/0575 1997 1012 Mayfield-Valetta Road Ashburton Pseudotsuga menziesii
CR/G0933 1995 Queens Street Waimate Quercus robur
CR/G0938 1995 12 Kahu Road Riccarton Christchurch Dacrycarpus dacrydioides
CR/P0675 1995 Queens Street [not specified] Waimate Quercus robur
CR/0548 1995 12 Kahu Road Riccarton Christchurch Quercus robur
CR/0549 1995 12 Kahu Road Riccarton Christchurch Fagus sylvatica
CR/0552 1995 12 Kahu Road Riccarton Christchurch Aesculus hippocastanum
CR/0553 1995 12 Kahu Road Riccarton Christchurch Acer pseudoplatanus
CR/0554 1995 12 Kahu Road Riccarton Christchurch Podocarpus totara
CR/0555 1995 12 Kahu Road Riccarton Christchurch Quercus robur
CR/0556 1995 12 Kahu Road Riccarton Christchurch Quercus robur
CR/0557 1995 12 Kahu Road Riccarton Christchurch Cedrus libani
CR/0558 1995 12 Kahu Road Riccarton Christchurch Castanea sativa
CR/0560 1995 12 Kahu Road Riccarton Christchurch Ulmus glabra
CR/0561 1995 12 Kahu Road Riccarton Christchurch Ulmus glabra
CR/0562 1995 12 Kahu Road Riccarton Christchurch Catalpa bignonioides
CR/0563 1995 12 Kahu Road Riccarton Christchurch Pyrus communis 'Durondeau'
CR/0565 1995 12 Kahu Road Riccarton Christchurch Thuja plicata
CR/0566 1995 12 Kahu Road Riccarton Christchurch Pyrus communis
CR/0567 1995 12 Kahu Road Riccarton Christchurch Quercus robur
CR/0568 1995 12 Kahu Road Riccarton Christchurch Abies pindrow
CR/0571 1995 12 Kahu Road Riccarton Christchurch Sequoia sempervirens
CR/0572 1995 12 Kahu Road Riccarton Christchurch Quercus ilex
CR/0574 1995 12 Kahu Road Riccarton Christchurch Acer campestre
CR/0274 1986 Kirke Street Fairlie Quercus robur
CR/0275 1986 59 Main Street Fairlie Quercus palustris
CR/0276 1986 59 Main Street Fairlie Quercus palustris
CR/0430 1984 1761 Spur Road Middle Valley Pleasant Point Pinus ponderosa
CR/0006 1979 211 North Street Timaru Quercus robur
CR/P0008 1979 Old Tai Tapu Road Paparua Selwyn Juglans regia
CR/0001 1978 Cnr. Dunsandel Road & Main Rd. South Hororata Fraxinus excelsior
CR/0002 1978 13 Aylmers Valley Road Akaroa Araucaria heterophylla


Identifier Last Measured Street Address Suburb City Genus Species
MR/G1264 2015 . Kekerengu Olearia hectorii
MR/0583 2014 Stephenson Street Blenheim Quercus robur
MR/0364 2014 SH 1 Clarence Agathis australis
MR/G1247 2014 Parker Street Blenheim Platanus x hispanica 'Acerifolia'
MR/1185 2013 Ballinger Drive Riversdale Blenheim Quercus robur
MR/1188 2013 Ballinger Drive Riversdale Blenheim Quercus robur
MR/1189 2013 Ballinger Drive Riversdale Blenheim Quercus robur
MR/1190 2013 Ballinger Drive Riversdale Blenheim Quercus robur
MR/0024 2013 70 Maxwell Road Blenheim Cinnamomum camphora
MR/0025 2013 70 Maxwell Road Blenheim Ginkgo biloba
MR/0582 2013 3 Stephenson Street Blenheim Quercus robur
MR/0585 2013 3 Stephenson Street Blenheim Quercus robur
MR/0362 2013 72-76 Alfred Street Blenheim Quercus robur
MR/0956 2012 State Hwy 1 Picton Callitris rhomboidea
MR/0358 2012 1199 Rapaura Road Spring Creek Magnolia grandiflora
MR/0356 2012 1199 Rapaura Road Spring Creek Cedrus atlantica 'Glauca'
MR/0357 2012 1199 Rapaura Road Spring Creek Araucaria bidwillii
MR/0341 2012 38 York Street Picton Quercus cerris
MR/0973 2012 84 Nelson Street Springlands Blenheim Metasequoia glyptostroboides
MR/0950 2011 High Street Renwick Cupressus sempervirens
MR/0029 2011 108 Maxwell Road Blenheim Aesculus hippocastanum
MR/0335 2011 19 Purkiss Street Springlands Blenheim Sequoia sempervirens
MR/0028 2011 108 Maxwell Road Blenheim Sequoiadendron giganteum
MR/0468 2010 State Highway 1 Hapuku Eucalyptus globulus subsp. globulus
MR/0689 2009 5755 State Highway 6 Browns Creek Pelorus Castanea sativa
MR/0546 1994 Budge Street Riversdale Blenheim Betula pendula
MR/G0895 1994 85 Budge Street [not specified] Blenheim Betula pendula
MR/G0911 1994 State Highway 6 Okaramio Havelock Castanea sativa
MR/P0531 1993 State Highway 6 Okaramio Havelock Castanea sativa
MR/G0929 1992 Freeths Road Koromiko Podocarpus totara
MR/0469 1992 Tumbledown Bay Road Ngakutu Bay Port Underwood Quercus petraea
MR/0470 1992 Tumbledown Bay Road Ngakuta Bay Port Underwood Juglans regia
MR/0474 1992 Freeths Road Koromiko Nestegis lanceolata
MR/0475 1992 Freeths Road Koromiko Nothofagus solandri var. cliffortioides
MR/0476 1992 Freeths Road Koromiko Podocarpus totara
MR/0477 1992 State Highway 63 Wairau Valley Tilia x europaea
MR/0478 1992 State Highway 63 Wairau Valley Aesculus hippocastanum
MR/0479 1992 SH 63 Hillersden Wairau Valley Quercus coccinea
MR/0480 1992 SH 63 Hillersden Wairau Valley Quercus rubra
MR/0481 1992 State Highway 63 Wairau Valley Pseudotsuga menziesii
MR/G0889 1992 Freeths Road [not specified] Koromiko Nestegis lanceolata
MR/0482 1992 State Highway 63 Wairau Valley Sequoiadendron giganteum
MR/0483 1992 State Highway 63 Wairau Valley Cedrus deodara
MR/0484 1992 State Highway 63 Wairau Valley Cedrus atlantica
MR/0485 1992 State Highway 63 Wairau Valley Chamaecyparis nootkatensis
MR/G0912 1992 State Highway 63 Wairau Valley Quercus robur
MR/G0916 1992 State Highway 63 Wairau Valley Pseudotsuga menziesii
MR/G0918 1992 Freeths Road Koromiko Nothofagus solandri var. cliffortioides
MR/G0923 1991 State Highway 63 [not specified] Wairau Valley Pseudotsuga menziesii
MR/0413 1991 State Highway 63 Wairau Valley Pseudotsuga menziesii
MR/0418 1991 Budge Street Blenheim Ulmus 'Webbiana'
MR/0419 1991 Budge Street Riversdale Blenheim Prunus cerasifera 'Atropurpurea'
MR/G0893 1986 Whitney Street [not specified] Blenheim Tilia x europaea
MR/0233 1986 Dog Point Road Lake Timara Renwick Abies pinsapo
MR/0234 1986 Dog Point Road Lake Timara Renwick Catalpa bignonioides
MR/G0898 1986 106 Brookby Road Hawkesbury Renwick Cedrus deodara
MR/0235 1986 Dog Point Road Lake Timara Renwick Washingtonia filifera
MR/0043 1982 12-16 Boyce Street Blenheim Sequoia sempervirens
MR/0038 1981 Endeavour Street Blenheim Juglans regia
MR/0031 1980 108 Maxwell Road Blenheim Tilia x europaea
MR/0023 1980 70 Maxwell Road Blenheim Sequoiadendron giganteum
MR/0027 1980 108 Maxwell Road Blenheim Ulmus minor
MR/0030 1980 108 Maxwell Road Blenheim Magnolia grandiflora


Identifier Last Measured Street Address Suburb City Genus Species
TR/1282 2015 Egmont Road Egmont Village Metrosideros robusta
TR/0953 2012 487 Mangorei Road New Plymouth Liriodendron tulipifera
TR/0952 2012 Victoria/Gilbert Street Entrance New Plymouth Pinus torreyana
TR/0951 2012 Fillis St entrance New Plymouth Araucaria heterophylla
TR/0768 2010 Victoria St New Plymouth Ficus macrophylla
TR/0724 2010 487 Mangorei Road New Plymouth Metasequoia glyptostroboides
TR/0711 2010 487 Mangorei Road New Plymouth Metasequoia glyptostroboides
TR/0135 2010 Brooklands Park Drive Brooklands New Plymouth Vitex lucens
TR/0138 2010 Brooklands Park Drive Brooklands New Plymouth Corynocarpus laevigatus
TR/0769 2010 Fillis St New Plymouth Pinus radiata
TR/0763 2009 Brooklands Park Drive Brooklands New Plymouth Cupressus macrocarpa
TR/0714 2009 Brooklands Road Brooklands New Plymouth Pinus radiata
TR/0146 2002 69 Govett Avenue New Plymouth Agathis australis
TR/0781 2002 Leach Street New Plymouth Metrosideros excelsa
TR/0114 2002 538 Carrington Road New Plymouth Syzygium paniculatum
TR/0109 2002 7 Atkinson Road New Plymouth Cupressus sempervirens
TR/0766 2002 Fillis Street New Plymouth Araucaria heterophylla
TR/0142 2002 2 Magnolia Drive Westown New Plymouth Brachychiton discolor
TR/0144 2002 48 Hobson Street New Plymouth Phytolacca dioica
TR/0141 2001 Brooklands Park Drive Brooklands New Plymouth Vitex lucens
TR/0100 2001 538 Carrington Road New Plymouth Araucaria bidwillii
TR/0101 2001 538 Carrington Road New Plymouth Araucaria bidwillii
TR/0104 2001 538 Carrington Road New Plymouth Clethra arborea
TR/0107 2001 538 Carrington Road New Plymouth Cryptomeria japonica
TR/0106 2001 538 Carrington Road New Plymouth Cryptomeria japonica
TR/1824 2001 Brooklands Road New Plymouth Rhododendron 'Sir Robert Peel'
TR/0128 2001 Brooklands Road Brooklands New Plymouth Rhopalostylis baueri
TR/0132 2001 Brooklands Park Drive Brooklands New Plymouth Phoenix reclinata
TR/0767 2001 Rogan St New Plymouth Pinus radiata
TR/0410 1991 941 Ball Road Hurleyville Patea Araucaria heterophylla
TR/P0140 1988 Brooklands Park Drive Brooklands New Plymouth Aesculus x carnea 'Briottii'
TR/P0129 1984 Brooklands Road Brooklands New Plymouth Platanus occidentalis
TR/P0130 1984 Brooklands Road Brooklands New Plymouth Camellia japonica 'Pukekura'
TR/P0131 1984 Brooklands Road Brooklands New Plymouth Camellia japonica cultivar
TR/P0134 1984 Brooklands Park Drive Brooklands New Plymouth Camellia sinensis
TR/P0137 1984 Brooklands Park Drive Brooklands New Plymouth Fagus sylvatica 'Riversii'
TR/P0143 1984 40 Hobson Street [not specified] New Plymouth Agonis flexuosa
TR/P0145 1984 81 Belt Road [not specified] New Plymouth Cryptomeria japonica 'Lobbii'
TR/P0133 1983 Brooklands Park Drive Brooklands New Plymouth Castanea sativa 'Paragon'
TR/0102 1983 538 Carrington Road New Plymouth Araucaria heterophylla
TR/0103 1983 538 Carrington Road New Plymouth Araucaria heterophylla
TR/0105 1983 538 Carrington Road New Plymouth Crataegus monogyna
TR/0110 1983 538 Carrington Road New Plymouth Juniperus chinensis
TR/0111 1983 538 Carrington Road New Plymouth Olearia argophylla
TR/0112 1983 538 Carrington Road New Plymouth Prumnopitys ferruginea
TR/0113 1983 538 Carrington Road New Plymouth Sequoia sempervirens
TR/0115 1983 538 Carrington Road New Plymouth Ficus carica
TR/0116 1983 538 Carrington Road New Plymouth Dacrycarpus dacrydioides
TR/P0007 1979 65b Mangorei Road [not specified] New Plymouth Quercus ilex


Identifier Last Measured Street Address Suburb City Genus Species
WKR/1283 2015 Vaile Road Newstead Eucalyptus regnans
WKR/G1260 2014 Bow Street Raglan Phoenix canariensis
WKR/1262 2014 1292 Cambridge Road Tamahere Araucaria bidwillii
WKR/1241 2014 Kakaho Road Tihoi Dacrydium cupressinum
WKR/0594 2014 Maungakawa Road Te Miro Cambridge Cupressus macrocarpa
WKR/1227 2014 364 Racecourse Road Tamahere Cambridge Eucalyptus saligna
WKR/1228 2014 Maungakawa Road Cambridge Juglans x sinensis
WKR/0596 2014 Maungakawa Road Te Miro Cambridge Cupressus macrocarpa
WKR/1216 2014 Limeworks Loop Road Pirongia Dacrycarpus dacrydioides
WKR/0588 2012 Vaile Rd Newstead Hamilton Eucalyptus regnans
WKR/0785 2011 Melody Lane Ruakura Hamilton Platanus x hispanica 'Acerifolia'
WKR/0032 2011 Princes Street Hamilton Corymbia ficifolia
WKR/0757 2009 Scott Road SH30 Pureora Podocarpus totara
WKR/0678 2005 135 Silverdale Road Hamilton Juglans regia/nigra graft
WKR/0680 2005 London Street Hamilton Taxodium distichum
WKR/P0681 2005 13 Sexton Road [not specified] Hamilton Quercus velutina
WKR/0670 2004 339 River Rd Hamilton Ginkgo biloba
WKR/0014 2003 Falls Road. Te Kauwhata Quercus robur
WKR/0651 2002 451 Peake Road Bruntwood Cambridge Liriodendron tulipifera
WKR/0652 2002 14 Ruakura Road Claudelands Hamilton Tipuana tipu
WKR/0654 2002 Galway Crescent Putaruru Salix babylonica
WKR/0672 2002 Grantham Street Hamilton Cryptomeria japonica
WKR/G0897 2002 28 Fow Street Hamilton Cupressus sempervirens
WKR/1027 2000 1 Sapper Moore-Jones Place Hamilton Araucaria bidwillii
WKR/0589 2000 . Newstead Hamilton Cedrus deodara
WKR/0618 2000 111 Piako Road Gordonton Quercus robur
WKR/0622 2000 Maungakawa Road Sanatorium Hill Cambridge Fraxinus excelsior
WKR/0623 2000 1370 Te Rahu Road Te Awamutu Quercus suber
WKR/P0625 2000 1 Victoria Street [not specified] Cambridge Abies firma
WKR/G0921 1997 2981 Thames Street Piako Morrinsville Fagus sylvatica
WKR/0579 1997 Oparure Road Te Kuiti Metrosideros excelsa
WKR/0592 1996 Maungakawa Road Te Miro Cambridge Cupressus macrocarpa
WKR/0593 1996 Maungakawa Road Te Miro Cambridge Cupressus macrocarpa
WKR/0471 1992 Tamahere Drive Tamahere Rhododendron 'Sir Robert Peel'
WKR/0472 1992 Karakariki Road Whatawhata Liriodendron tulipifera
WKR/GP0937 1980 RD 4 [not specified] Hamilton Quercus robur
WKR/G0885 1980 Alma Street Hamilton Quercus acutissima


Identifier Last Measured Street Address Suburb City Genus Species
OR/1254 2014 29 Awakiki Rd Romahapa Podocarpus totara
OR/1232 2014 333 Leith Street North Dunedin Dunedin Sequoiadendron giganteum
OR/1231 2014 2 Arthur Street Dunedin Fagus sylvatica 'Purpurea'
OR/1223 2014 Wiltshire Street Arrowtown Quercus palustris
OR/1177 2013 Lake Esplanade Queenstown Sequoiadendron giganteum
OR/1168 2013 6 Stanley Street Queenstown Sequoiadendron giganteum
OR/1161 2013 411 North Road North East Valley Dunedin Araucaria araucana
OR/1408 2013 428 North Road Normanby Dunedin Araucaria araucana
OR/1485 2013 Opoho Road Dunedin Cupressus macrocarpa
OR/1486 2013 Opoho Road Dunedin Eucalyptus globulus subsp. globulus
OR/1407 2013 Cnr Rattray & Arthur Sts Dunedin Araucaria araucana
OR/1409 2013 14 Rata Street Ravensbourne Dunedin Araucaria araucana
OR/1410 2013 14 Rata Street Ravensbourne Dunedin Araucaria araucana
OR/1183 2013 Cnr Durham & Berkshire Street Street Arrowtown Sequoiadendron giganteum
OR/1184 2013 Cnr Durham & Berkshire Street Street Arrowtown Sequoiadendron giganteum
OR/1306 2013 Derwent Street Naseby Sequoiadendron giganteum
OR/1477 2013 16 Avoca Street Naseby Araucaria araucana
OR/0614 2013 1 Homestead Close Wanaka Pseudotsuga menziesii
OR/0611 2013 1 Homestead Close Wanaka Pseudotsuga menziesii
OR/1258 2013 Derwent Street Naseby Sequoiadendron giganteum
OR/1503 2013 Derwent Street Naseby Sequoiadendron giganteum
OR/0046 2013 44 Mt Pisa Road Cromwell Sequoiadendron giganteum
OR/G0927 2013 1 Homestead Close Wanaka Tilia x vulgaris
OR/0425 2013 Springvale Road Clyde Pinus pinea
OR/0616 2013 1 Homestead Close Wanaka Larix kaempferi
OR/0612 2013 Homestead Close Wanaka Sequoiadendron giganteum
OR/0613 2013 Homestead Close Wanaka Sequoiadendron giganteum
OR/0608 2013 Homestead Close Wanaka Cedrus deodara
OR/1178 2013 31 Derwent Street Naseby Araucaria araucana
OR/1159 2013 33 Inniscourt Road Cromwell Sequoiadendron giganteum
OR/0577 2013 Conroy's Road Alexandra Juglans regia
OR/0515 2013 33 Inniscourt Street Cromwell Sequoiadendron giganteum
OR/1163 2013 7 Westmoreland Place Cromwell Pinus radiata
OR/1160 2013 Highview Terrace Frankton Queenstown Sequoiadendron giganteum
OR/1162 2013 Man Street Queenstown Quercus robur
OR/1164 2013 31 Speargrass Flat Road Dalefield Arrowtown Cedrus libani
OR/1171 2013 56 Arrowtown-Lake Hayes Road Lake Hayes Queenstown Tilia x europaea
OR/1172 2013 56 Arrowtown-Lake Hayes Road Lake Hayes Queenstown Acer saccharum
OR/1173 2013 56 Arrowtown-Lake Hayes Road Lake Hayes Queenstown Sequoiadendron giganteum
OR/1174 2013 31 Speargrass Flat Road Dalefield Arrowtown Sequoiadendron giganteum
OR/1175 2013 Junction of Lake Esplanade & Fernhill Rd Queenstown Sequoiadendron giganteum
OR/1176 2013 Lake Esplanade Queenstown Sequoiadendron giganteum
OR/1203 2013 Park Street Queenstown Quercus robur
OR/1158 2013 Park Street Queenstown Araucaria araucana
OR/1169 2013 Park Street Queenstown Metasequoia glyptostroboides
OR/1179 2013 Park Street Queenstown Sequoiadendron giganteum
OR/1181 2013 Park Street Queenstown Sequoiadendron giganteum
OR/1200 2013 Park Street Queenstown Sequoiadendron giganteum
OR/1201 2013 Park Street Queenstown Sequoiadendron giganteum
OR/1202 2013 Park Street Queenstown Picea abies
OR/1165 2013 110 Frankton Road Frankton Queenstown Sequoiadendron giganteum
OR/1166 2013 Cnr Ballarat and Stanley Streets Queenstown Sequoiadendron giganteum
OR/1167 2013 Cnr Ballarat and Stanley Streets Queenstown Sequoiadendron giganteum
OR/G1106 2013 Cnr. State Highway 1 and Burlington Street Dunedin Platanus x hispanica 'Acerifolia'
OR/1118 2013 Opoho Road North Dunedin Dunedin Fagus sylvatica 'Purpurea'
OR/1096 2013 Opoho Road North Dunedin Dunedin Pinus radiata
OR/1117 2013 Opoho Road North Dunedin Dunedin Sequoiadendron giganteum
OR/1021 2012 449 George Street Dunedin Fraxinus excelsior 'Pendula'
OR/0068 2012 449 George St Dunedin Fagus sylvatica 'Purpurea'
OR/0055 2011 Arthur Street Dunedin Cedrus atlantica 'Glauca'
OR/0640 2011 130 McKendry Road Outram Eucalyptus regnans
OR/0794 2011 Manuka Gorge Highway S.H.8 Glenore Milton Sequoiadendron giganteum
OR/0742 2010 Manuka Gorge Highway S.H.8 Glenore Milton Sequoiadendron giganteum
OR/1033 2008 Opoho Road North Dunedin Dunedin Metasequoia glyptostroboides
OR/P0674 2005 95 Gladbrook Road Middlemarch Pinus ponderosa
OR/P0683 2005 21 Glenmore Street Glenleith Dunedin City Podocarpus totara
OR/0796 2004 600 Blueskin Rd Waitati Eucalyptus regnans
OR/0069 2001 64 Grendon Street Dunedin Agathis australis
OR/P0604 2001 Mt. Cargill Road Mt. Cargill Podocarpus totara
OR/P0626 2001 545 Gladbrook Road Middlemarch Quercus robur
OR/P0627 2001 545 Gladbrook Road Middlemarch Fagus sylvatica
OR/P0628 2001 545 Gladbrook Road Middlemarch Betula pendula
OR/P0639 2001 669 Highcliff Road Portobello Araucaria heterophylla
OR/0605 2000 1 Homestead Close Wanaka Tilia x europaea
OR/P0606 2000 1 Homestead Close Wanaka Sequoiadendron giganteum
OR/P0607 2000 1 Homestead Close Wanaka Sequoia sempervirens 'Pendula'
OR/0609 2000 1 Homestead Close Wanaka Abies grandis
OR/P0610 2000 1 Homestead Close Wanaka Quercus robur
OR/P0615 2000 1 Homestead close Wanaka Larix decidua
OR/G0896 2000 1 Homestead Close Wanaka Juglans regia
OR/0576 1997 86 Newington Ave Dunedin Quercus robur
OR/0517 1993 558 Great King Street Dunedin Sequoiadendron giganteum
OR/P0368 1990 16 Granville Terrace [not specified] Dunedin Rhododendron 'Marquis of Lothian'
OR/0298 1987 34 Sunderland Street Clyde Juglans regia
OR/P0058 1983 367 High Street Dunedin Cedrus atlantica
OR/P0059 1983 367 High Street Dunedin Cedrus atlantica
OR/P0060 1983 367 High Street Dunedin Ulmus procera
OR/P0061 1983 367 High Street Dunedin Fagus sylvatica 'Purpurea'
OR/P0062 1983 367 High Street Dunedin Metrosideros excelsa
OR/P0063 1983 367 High Street Dunedin Pseudopanax arboreus
OR/P0070 1983 Glendining Ave & North Road Dunedin Quercus robur
OR/P0071 1983 Glendining Ave & North Road Dunedin Tilia x europaea
OR/G0909 1983 367 High Street Dunedin Fraxinus excelsior
OR/0053 1981 83 Jeffcoats Road Waldronville Mosgiel Pyrus communis
OR/0054 1981 81 Jeffcoats Road Waldronville Mosgiel Quercus robur
OR/P0056 1981 21 Charters Street Glenross Dunedin Magnolia campbellii
OR/0057 1981 45 Garfield Avenue Dunedin Nothofagus menziesii
OR/P0064 1981 Weston Oamaru Cedrus deodara
OR/0066 1981 8 Lundie Street Dunedin Metrosideros umbellata
OR/0067 1981 449 George Street Dunedin Metrosideros umbellata


Identifier Last Measured Street Address Suburb City Genus Species
TSR/1251 2014 Takaka Valley Hwy Takaka Dacrycarpus dacrydioides
TSR/1230 2014 474 Abel Tasman Drive Motupipi Takaka Tilia x europaea
TSR/0739 2014 83 Motupipi Street Takaka Metasequoia glyptostroboides
TSR/1421 2014 124 Abel Tasman Drive Motupipi Takaka Quercus robur
TSR/1420 2014 124 Abel Tasman Drive Motupipi Takaka Quercus robur
TSR/1422 2014 124 Abel Tasman Drive Motupipi Takaka Quercus robur
TSR/1360 2014 1908 Takaka Valley Highway Takaka Cupressus sempervirens
TSR/1055 2012 357 Lower Queen Street Richmond Araucaria bidwillii
TSR/1037 2012 68 Waimea West Road Brightwater Cupressus torulosa
TSR/0636 2012 552 Waimea West Road Waimea West Cupressus sempervirens
TSR/0533 2012 169 White Road Hope Quercus robur
TSR/1550 2011 Awaroa Road Awaroa Vitis sp.
TSR/G0939 2011 Totaranui Road Abel Tasman National Park Takaka Platanus x hispanica 'Acerifolia'
TSR/0941 2011 Totaranui Road Abel Tasman National Park Takaka Platanus x hispanica 'Acerifolia'
TSR/0962 2011 Bishop Road Parapara Takaka Pinus radiata
TSR/1910 2011 Marlborough Crescent Richmond Nelson Dacrycarpus dacrydioides
TSR/1130 2010 155 Moutere Hwy Waimea West Platanus x hispanica 'Acerifolia'
TSR/0759 2010 Cnr State Highway 6 and Motueka Valley Highway Kohatu Cupressus sempervirens
TSR/0745 2010 Salisbury Road Richmond Eucalyptus globulus subsp. globulus
TSR/0436 2010 42 Pigeon Valley Road Wakefield Juglans regia
TSR/0716 2010 State Highway 60 Ruby Bay Pseudopanax crassifolius
TSR/0703 2009 15 Oxford Street Richmond Styphnolobium japonicum
TSR/0687 2009 Marlborough Crescent Richmond Eucalyptus regnans
TSR/0701 2009 142 Little Sydney Road Brooklyn Riwaka Quercus coccinea
TSR/0699 2009 33 Old Mill Road Riwaka Liriodendron tulipifera
TSR/0695 2009 Church Street Richmond Eucalyptus bicostata
TSR/0693 2009 Clifton Road Clifton Golden Bay Eucalyptus globulus subsp. globulus
TSR/0686 2009 Awaroa Road Awaroa Golden Bay Cupressus macrocarpa
TSR/2007 2008 66 Kohatu-Kawatiri Highway Motupiko Sequoia sempervirens
TSR/0637 2008 552 Waimea West Road Waimea West Cupressus sempervirens
TSR/0719 2008 34 Wensley Road Richmond Araucaria heterophylla
TSR/0629 2001 31 Aranui Road Mapua Rhododendron 'Sir Robert Peel'


Identifier Last Measured Street Address Suburb City Genus Species
AR/1244 2014 Domain Drive Auckland Agathis robusta
AR/1243 2014 Puriri Street Takapuna Auckland Vitex lucens
AR/1242 2014 Lower Domain Drive Auckland Araucaria columnaris
AR/1252 2014 Domain Drive Auckland Ficus macrophylla
AR/1253 2014 87 Gladstone Road Parnell Auckland Metrosideros excelsa
AR/1263 2014 Carlton Gore Road Grafton Auckland Celtis australis
AR/1259 2014 Princes Street Auckland Phytolacca dioica
AR/1240 2014 Queen Street Warkworth Liriodendron tulipifera
AR/1245 2014 Tudor Collins Drive Warkworth Agathis australis
AR/1246 2014 Tudor Collins Drive Warkworth Agathis australis
AR/1250 2014 Queens Road Warkworth Araucaria bidwillii
AR/1148 2013 14 Glenfell Place Mt. Eden Auckland Tilia x europaea
AR/1146 2013 14 Glenfell Place Mt. Eden Auckland Sequoiadendron giganteum
AR/1145 2013 14 Glenfell Place Mt. Eden Auckland Agathis robusta
AR/1139 2013 14 Glenfell Place Mt. Eden Auckland Davidia involucrata
AR/1137 2013 14 Glenfell Place, Epsom Mt. Eden Auckland Metrosideros excelsa
AR/G1141 2013 14 Glenfell Place Mt. Eden Auckland Araucaria heterophylla
AR/1131 2013 14 Glenfell Place Mt. Eden Auckland Ficus rubiginosa
AR/1132 2013 14 Glenfell Place Mt. Eden Auckland Liriodendron tulipifera
AR/1133 2013 14 Glenfell Place Mt. Eden Auckland Pyrus communis
AR/1134 2013 14 Glenfell Place Mt. Eden Auckland Podocarpus totara
AR/1135 2013 14 Glenfell Place Mt. Eden Auckland Cedrus deodara
AR/1136 2013 14 Glenfell Place Mt. Eden Auckland Metasequoia glyptostroboides
AR/1147 2013 14 Glenfell Place Mt. Eden Auckland Araucaria heterophylla
AR/1151 2013 14 Glenfell Place Mt. Eden Auckland Michelia doltsopa
AR/1138 2013 14 Glenfell Place Mt. Eden Auckland Juglans regia
AR/1140 2013 14 Glenfell Place Mt. Eden Auckland Podocarpus hallii
AR/1099 2013 Domain Drive Grafton Auckland Agathis robusta
AR/1097 2013 82 Shore Road Remuera Auckland Quercus canariensis
AR/1070 2013 85 Gladstone Road Parnell Auckland Juniperus bermudiana
AR/1095 2013 Greys Avenue Auckland Taxodium distichum
AR/1069 2013 85 Gladstone Road Parnell Auckland Araucaria bidwillii
AR/1038 2012 Tamaki Drive Mission Bay Auckland Araucaria heterophylla
AR/1039 2012 Tamaki Drive Mission Bay Auckland Araucaria heterophylla
AR/1002 2012 73 Portland Road Remuera Auckland Metasequoia glyptostroboides
AR/1012 2012 73 Portland Road Remuera Auckland Taxodium distichum
AR/0997 2012 72 Hillsborough Hillsborough Auckland Juniperus virginiana
AR/0996 2012 72 Hillsborough Road Hillsborough Auckland Juniperus chinensis
AR/0995 2012 72 Hillsborough Hillsborough Auckland Celtis australis
AR/0994 2012 72 Hillsborough Road Hillsborough Auckland Lagunaria patersonia
AR/0993 2012 72 Hillsborough Hillsborough Auckland Liriodendron tulipifera
AR/0992 2012 72 Hillsborough Road Hillsborough Auckland Araucaria cunninghamii
AR/0991 2012 72 Hillsborough Road Hillsborough Auckland Jubaea chilensis
AR/0990 2012 72 Hillsborough Road Hillsborough Auckland Ficus obliqua
AR/0989 2012 72 Hillsborough Road Hillsborough Auckland Cedrus atlantica 'Glauca'
AR/0987 2012 72 Hillsborough Road Hillsborough Auckland Platanus x hispanica 'Acerifolia'
AR/0986 2012 72 Hillsborough Road Hillsborough Auckland Quercus cerris
AR/0985 2012 72 Hillsborough Road Hillsborough Auckland Quercus ilex
AR/0983 2012 5-7 Ponsonby Road/Beresford St Freemans Bay Auckland Tristaniopsis laurina
AR/G0984 2012 72 Hillsborough Road Hillsborough Auckland Ficus macrophylla
AR/0982 2012 5-7 Ponsonby Road/Beresford St Freemans Bay Auckland Cupressus lusitanica
AR/0981 2012 5-7 Ponsonby Road/Beresford St Freemans Bay Auckland Cupressus torulosa
AR/0980 2012 5-7 Ponsonby Road/Beresford St Freemans Bay Auckland Acer rubrum
AR/0979 2012 5-7 Ponsonby Road/Beresford St Freemans Bay Auckland Agathis robusta
AR/0977 2012 5-7 Ponsonby Road/Beresford St Freemans Bay Auckland Waterhousea floribunda
AR/0974 2012 5-7 Ponsonby Road/Beresford St Freemans Bay Auckland Ulmus x hollandica
AR/G0967 2012 5 to 7 Ponsonby Road, Beresford Street Freemans Bay Auckland Cinnamomum camphora
AR/0966 2012 5-7 Ponsonby Road/Beresford St, Freemans Bay Freemans Bay Auckland Cinnamomum camphora
AR/0965 2012 Ponsonby Road/Beresford St, Freemans Bay Freemans Bay Auckland Quercus robur
AR/0964 2012 Ponsonby Road/Beresford St. Freemans Bay Auckland Araucaria columnaris
AR/0975 2012 5-7 Ponsonby Road/Beresford St Freemans Bay Auckland Pinus canariensis
AR/0978 2012 5-7 Ponsonby Road/Beresford St Freemans Bay Auckland Pinus radiata
AR/0946 2011 47-49 Hurstmere Road Takapuna Auckland Castanea sativa
AR/0818 2011 139 Carrington Road Mt. Albert Auckland Castanopsis cuspidata
AR/0819 2011 139 Carrington Road Mt. Albert Auckland Robinia pseudoacacia
AR/0820 2011 139 Carrington Road Mt. Albert Auckland Cinnamomum camphora
AR/0812 2011 139 Carrington Road Mt. Albert Auckland Ginkgo biloba
AR/0811 2011 139 Carrington Road Mt. Albert Auckland Quercus cerris
AR/0813 2011 139 Carrington Road Mt. Albert Auckland Araucaria columnaris
AR/0814 2011 139 Carrington Road Mt. Albert Auckland Erythrina crista-galli
AR/0816 2011 139 Carrington Road Mt. Albert Auckland Jacaranda mimosifolia
AR/0817 2011 139 Carrington Road Mt. Albert Auckland Magnolia grandiflora
AR/0808 2011 Olive Grove Drive Epsom Auckland Sequoiadendron giganteum
AR/0807 2011 Olive Grove Road Epsom Auckland Sequoia sempervirens
AR/0804 2011 Olive Grove Drive Epsom Auckland Metrosideros excelsa
AR/0786 2011 Olive Grove Dr. Epsom Auckland Eucalyptus nitens
AR/0799 2011 283 Mt Eden Rd Mt. Eden Auckland Quercus ilex
AR/0774 2010 Victoria Road Devonport Auckland Ficus macrophylla
AR/0772 2010 King Edward Parade Devonport Auckland Ficus macrophylla
AR/0581 2010 Cnr Princes Street and Waterloo Quadrant CBD Auckland Erythrina caffra
AR/0743 2010 47 Clansman Terrace Gulf Harbour Whangaparoa Ceiba speciosa
AR/1013 2010 Park Drive Grafton Auckland Taxodium distichum
AR/0367 2010 34 Owens Road Epsom Auckland Agathis robusta
AR/0735 2010 2a Erin Street Epsom Auckland Agathis robusta
AR/0736 2010 Margot Street Epsom Auckland Agathis robusta
AR/0731 2010 Snells Beach Road Snells Beach Warkworth Quercus robur
AR/G0922 2010 State Highway 1 Orewa Platanus x hispanica 'Acerifolia'
AR/0334 2010 5 Williams Road Hobsonville Auckland Angophora costata
AR/0632 2010 Schischka Road Waiwera Orewa Quercus suber
AR/1006 2009 40 Park Ave Grafton Auckland Metasequoia glyptostroboides
AR/0753 2009 375 Hamilton Road Mahurangi East Warkworth Araucaria heterophylla
AR/0754 2009 219 Manukau Rd Epsom Auckland Araucaria heterophylla
AR/1007 2008 74 Gillies Avenue Epsom Auckland Metasequoia glyptostroboides
AR/0783 2008 72 Hillsborough Road Hillsborough Auckland Ficus macrophylla
AR/P0677 2005 Aotea Road Okiwi Great Barrier Island Quercus robur
AR/0682 2005 172 West Tamaki Drive Glendowie Auckland Ficus macrophylla
AR/0648 2002 100 Stevenson Road, Clarks Beach Agathis australis
AR/0649 2002 571 Waiau Pa Road Waiau Pa Agathis australis
AR/0650 2002 571 Waiau Pa Road Waiau Pa Vitex lucens
AR/P0633 2001 Waiwera Orewa Erythrina x sykesii
AR/0634 2001 Schischka Road Waiwera Orewa Quercus ilex
AR/P0641 2000 McKenzie Road Waiau Pa Cupressus macrocarpa
AR/0620 2000 9 Selwyn Road Howick Manukau Cupressus sempervirens
AR/G0905 2000 Clarks Beach Road Waiau Pa Pukekoe Cupressus macrocarpa
AR/0177 1986 Cnr Normanby & Boston Roads Mt. Eden Auckland Erythrina x sykesii
AR/0037 1982 120 Mt. Albert Rd Mt. Albert Auckland Cordyline obtecta

West Coast

Identifier Last Measured Street Address Suburb City Genus Species
WCR/1337 2014 State Highway 6 Haast Nothofagus menziesii
WCR/1220 2014 Wanganui Flat Road Hari Hari Metasequoia glyptostroboides
WCR/1073 2013 103 Shiel Street Reefton Sequoiadendron giganteum
WCR/0954 2012 19 Taylorville Road Coal Creek Greymouth Metasequoia glyptostroboides
WCR/0955 1983 Clifton St Ahaura Tilia x europaea

Bay of Plenty - Central Plateau

Identifier Last Measured Street Address Suburb City Genus Species
BPR/1100 2014 Makatiti Okataina Rotorua Metrosideros robusta
BPR/1238 2014 Hinemaru Street Rotorua Platanus x hispanica 'Acerifolia'
BPR/1239 2014 Hinemaru Street Rotorua Platanus x hispanica 'Acerifolia'
BPR/2030 2014 Sala Street Rotorua Pinus ayacahuite
BPR/2033 2014 Titokorangi Drive Rotorua Keteleeria evelyniana
BPR/2034 2014 Titokorangi Drive Rotorua Chamaecyparis formosensis
BPR/1249 2014 Long Mile Road Whakarewarewa Rotorua Pinus montezumae
BPR/1208 2013 Long Mile Road Whakarewarewa Rotorua Sequoia sempervirens
BPR/1072 2013 Long Mile Road Whakarewarewa Rotorua Sequoia sempervirens
BPR/G0936 2013 Long Mile Road Whakarewarewa Rotorua Sequoia sempervirens
BPR/1067 2013 15 Mission Street Tauranga Central Tauranga Toona ciliata
BPR/1066 2013 15 Mission Street Tauranga Central Tauranga Ulmus procera
BPR/1065 2013 15 Mission Street Tauranga Central Tauranga Castanea sativa
BPR/1064 2013 15 Mission Street Tauranga Central Tauranga Araucaria heterophylla
BPR/1063 2013 Wharawhara Road Katikati Casuarina cunninghamiana
BPR/0524 2013 Matahiwi Road Te Puna Tauranga Eucalyptus viminalis
BPR/0525 2013 Cnr Macmillan and Waterford Road (SH2) Katikati Vitex lucens
BPR/1060 2013 15 Mission Street Central Tauranga Tauranga Quercus robur
BPR/1061 2013 15 Mission Street Tauranga Central Tauranga Araucaria bidwillii
BPR/G1062 2013 15 Mission Street Tauranga Araucaria bidwillii
BPR/1059 2013 29 Levers Road Matua Tauranga Alectryon excelsus
BPR/0619 2012 17th Avenue The Avenues Tauranga Quercus imbricaria
BPR/0824 2011 Hakiaha Street Taumarunui Taumarunui Sequoia sempervirens
BPR/1004 2009 139 Te Puna Road Te Puna Tauranga Metasequoia glyptostroboides
BPR/0424 2002 168 Moffats Road Bethlehem Tauranga Cupressus macrocarpa
BPR/0621 2000 Hinemaru Street Rotorua Sequoia sempervirens 'Pendula'
BPR/0765 1994 Francis Street Whakatane Araucaria bidwillii
BPR/P0540 1994 Rex Morpeth Park [not specified] Whakatane Quercus robur
BPR/0547 1994 50a Moehau Street Te Puke Liriodendron tulipifera
BPR/P0526 1993 48 Tetley Road [not specified] Katikati Sequoia sempervirens
BPR/G0935 1993 48 Tetley Road [not specified] Katikati Sequoia sempervirens
BPR/0392 1991 . Tuhua (Mayor Island) Tauranga Metrosideros excelsa
BPR/0344 1989 34 Parkvale Road Otumoetai Tauranga Cinnamomum camphora
BPR/P0283 1987 Rest area 100m north of Te Toke turn-off [not specified] Whakatane Quercus robur
BPR/0175 1986 Woodlands Road Opotiki Vitex lucens


Identifier Last Measured Street Address Suburb City Genus Species
WRR/G1235 2014 1530 Stronvar Rd Wainuioru Masterton Eucalyptus viminalis
WRR/1236 2014 1530 Stronvar Rd R.D. 10 Wainuioru Masterton Araucaria bidwillii
WRR/1237 2014 1530 Stronvar Rd Wainuioru Masterton Eucalyptus viminalis
WRR/0949 2011 2036A State Highway 2 Mt Bruce Masterton Pinus radiata
WRR/0828 2011 1 Memorial Drive, Masterton Masterton Sequoiadendron giganteum
WRR/0829 2011 1 Memorial Drive, Masterton Masterton Cupressus macrocarpa
WRR/0422 1991 State Highway 2 Waingawa Masterton Quercus x heterophylla
WRR/G0894 1991 Chester Road Clareville Carterton Cupressus sempervirens
WRR/0354 1990 559 Cape Palliser Rd Whangaimoana Metrosideros kermadecensis
WRR/P0277 1987 695 Francis Line Carterton Sequoia sempervirens
WRR/P0265 1986 46 Kuratawhiti Street Greytown Fagus sylvatica 'Purpurea'
WRR/P0266 1986 40 Kuratawhiti Street Greytown Castanea sativa
WRR/P0267 1986 40 Kuratawhiti Street Greytown Fagus sylvatica
WRR/P0268 1986 40 Kuratawhiti Street Greytown Fraxinus excelsior
WRR/P0269 1986 40 Kuratawhiti Street Greytown Fraxinus excelsior
WRR/P0270 1986 40 Kuratawhiti Street Greytown Liriodendron tulipifera
WRR/P0271 1986 40 Kuratawhiti Street Greytown Tilia x europaea
WRR/P0272 1986 40 Kuratawhiti Street Greytown Tilia x europaea
WRR/P0284 1986 State Highway 2 Tauherenikau Featherstone Platanus x hispanica 'Acerifolia'
WRR/P0286 1986 State Highway 2 Tauherenikau Featherstone Quercus robur
WRR/P0287 1986 State Highway 2 Tauherenikau Featherstone Quercus robur
WRR/P0288 1986 State Highway 2 Tauherenikau Featherstone Acer palmatum 'Atropurpureum'
WRR/P0289 1986 State Highway 2 Tauherenikau Featherstone Tilia x europaea
WRR/0292 1986 State Highway 2 Greytown Pinus radiata


Identifier Last Measured Street Address Suburb City Genus Species
NR/1229 2014 Oihi Road Te Tii Citrus x limon
NR/1281 2014 Waiare Road Puketi Agathis australis
NR/1020 2012 2 Tasman St Mangonui Metrosideros excelsa
NR/1019 2012 2 Tasman Street Mangonui Metrosideros excelsa
NR/0945 2011 7063 State Highway 1 Pakaraka Kaikohe Araucaria bidwillii
NR/0501 2010 Pahi Road Pahi Ficus macrophylla
NR/0758 2010 250 Te Ahu Ahu Road Waimate North Pinus pinaster
NR/0734 2010 1 Tau Henare Drive Paihia Araucaria heterophylla
NR/0806 2010 Te Araroa Bypass Russell Dysoxylum spectabile
NR/0732 2010 Tapeka Point Road Tapeka Russell Araucaria heterophylla
NR/0727 2010 2 Redan Terrace Kaitaia Metrosideros excelsa
NR/0726 2010 Barracks Place Russell Araucaria heterophylla
NR/0801 2009 State Highway 12 Waipoua Agathis australis
NR/0803 2009 Sanctuary Road Mangamuka Agathis australis
NR/P0658 2003 157 Okokako Road Waimate North Camellia japonica cultivar
NR/0800 2002 State Highway 12 Waipoua Agathis australis
NR/0802 2002 State Highway 12 Waipoua Agathis australis
NR/P0339 1989 . Parua Bay Whangarei Metrosideros excelsa
NR/0305 1988 Whangaruru North Te Akau Bay Whangarei Metrosideros excelsa
NR/1295 1984 Cape Reinga Road Cape Reinga Metrosideros excelsa
NR/0074 1983 656 Ngunguru Road Glenbervie Whangarei Vitex lucens
NR/0081 1983 17 Puriri Street Kamo Springs Whangarei Brachychiton acerifolius
NR/P0815 1971 State Highway 1 Waipoua Agathis australis


Identifier Last Measured Street Address Suburb City Genus Species
NNR/1222 2014 Vanguard Street Victory Square Nelson Cupressus goveniana
NNR/1206 2014 730 Atawai Drive Atawhai Nelson Araucaria bidwillii
NNR/1142 2013 225 Waimea Road Bishopdale Nelson Araucaria bidwillii
NNR/1105 2013 Haven Road Nelson Olea europaea
NNR/G1091 2013 Cnr Halifax & Rutherford Streets Nelson Phoenix canariensis
NNR/1149 2012 Nayland Road Stoke Nelson Araucaria bidwillii
NNR/1035 2012 193 Nayland Road Stoke Nelson Araucaria bidwillii
NNR/0449 2012 48 Van Diemen Street Nelson Araucaria bidwillii
NNR/1034 2012 8 Greenhill Road Tahunanui Nelson Araucaria bidwillii
NNR/0464 2012 48 Van Dieman Street Nelson Pseudotsuga menziesii
NNR/1032 2012 Bridge Street Nelson Araucaria bidwillii
NNR/1031 2012 170 Milton Street The Wood Nelson Araucaria bidwillii
NNR/1036 2012 170 Milton Street The Wood Nelson Sequoiadendron giganteum
NNR/1030 2012 Braemar Place Nelson South Nelson Araucaria bidwillii
NNR/1150 2012 Nayland Road Stoke Nelson Araucaria bidwillii
NNR/1127 2011 Bridge Street Nelson Thujopsis dolabrata
NNR/1128 2011 Bridge Street Nelson Thujopsis dolabrata
NNR/0947 2011 Bridge Street Nelson Abies grandis x homolepis
NNR/0784 2011 14 Victoria Road Nelson Pinus pinea
NNR/0779 2010 194 Cable Bay Road Cable Bay Nelson Prumnopitys taxifolia
NNR/0780 2010 194 Cable Bay Road Cable Bay Nelson Podocarpus totara
NNR/0667 2010 192 Brook Street The Brook Nelson Araucaria bidwillii
NNR/0073 2010 4 Seymour Avenue The Brook Nelson Quercus robur
NNR/0761 2010 186 Bridge Street Nelson Quercus suber
NNR/0084 2009 16 Hilliard Street Stoke Nelson Sequoiadendron giganteum
NNR/0662 2004 243 Collingwood Street Nelson Quercus coccinea
NNR/0601 1999 51 Martin Street Monaco Nelson Sophora microphylla
NNR/0663 1994 57 Fifeshire Crescent Britannia Heights Nelson Metrosideros robusta
NNR/0458 1992 Trafalgar Street South Nelson Eucalyptus obliqua
NNR/0463 1992 Trafalgar Street South Nelson Cedrus deodara
NNR/0465 1992 Trafalgar Street South Nelson Cedrus deodara
NNR/0447 1992 48 Trafalgar Street South Nelson Magnolia grandiflora
NNR/0448 1992 Trafalgar Street South Nelson Liriodendron tulipifera
NNR/P0450 1992 48 Van Dieman Street Nelson South Nelson Sequoia sempervirens
NNR/0451 1992 Trafalgar Street South Nelson Sequoia sempervirens
NNR/P0453 1992 Trafalgar Street South Nelson Quercus petraea
NNR/P0454 1992 Trafalgar Street South Nelson Quercus petraea
NNR/P0455 1992 Trafalgar Street South Nelson Quercus petraea
NNR/P0457 1992 Trafalgar Street South Nelson Sequoia sempervirens
NNR/P0459 1992 Trafalgar Street South Nelson Sequoia sempervirens
NNR/P0460 1992 Trafalgar Street South Nelson South Nelson Sequoia sempervirens
NNR/P0461 1992 Trafalgar Street South Nelson Sequoia sempervirens
NNR/0075 1983 Tasman Street The Wood Nelson Cycas revoluta
NNR/0076 1983 894 Atawhai Drive Atawai Nelson Aloidendron barberae
NNR/P0083 1983 16 Hilliard Street Stoke Nelson Pinus nigra subsp. laricio


Identifier Last Measured Street Address Suburb City Genus Species
MWR/1219 2014 Churchill Drive Ashhurst Podocarpus totara
MWR/1218 2014 Putorino Road Rata Prumnopitys taxifolia
MWR/1217 2014 Putorino Road Rata Sophora microphylla
MWR/G1155 2013 Batchelar Road Fitzherbert Palmerston North Corynocarpus laevigatus
MWR/1154 2013 Batchelar Road Fitzherbert Palmerston North Quercus robur
MWR/1153 2013 305 - 307 Fitzherbert Avenue. Hokowhitu Palmerston North Metrosideros robusta
MWR/G1116 2013 88 Te Awe Awe Street Hokowhitu Palmerston North Cedrus deodara
MWR/1108 2013 380 Kimbolton Road Feilding Sequoiadendron giganteum
MWR/1107 2013 Pines Court, Feilding. Central Feilding Sequoiadendron giganteum
MWR/1103 2013 199 Ngaio St Sanson Feilding Taxodium distichum
MWR/1102 2013 199 Ngaio St Sanson Feilding Dacrycarpus dacrydioides
MWR/1101 2013 199 Ngaio St Sanson Feilding Metasequoia glyptostroboides
MWR/G1094 2013 Tank number 45536 Gillespies Line Cloverlea Palmerston North Dacrycarpus dacrydioides
MWR/1093 2013 199 Ngaio St Mt Lees Feilding Cedrus deodara
MWR/1092 2013 199 Ngaio St, West End, Sanson Sanson Feilding Metasequoia glyptostroboides
MWR/G1491 2013 Tank number 45536 Gillespies Line Cloverlea Palmerston North Dacrycarpus dacrydioides
MWR/1078 2013 130 Te Awe Awe Street Hokowhitu Palmerston North Ulmus procera
MWR/1075 2013 130 Te Awe Awe Street Hokowhitu Palmerston North Pinus canariensis
MWR/1076 2013 130 Te Awe Awe Street. Hokowhitu Palmerston North Aesculus hippocastanum
MWR/1077 2013 130 Te Awe Awe Street Hokowhitu Palmerston North Aesculus hippocastanum
MWR/1079 2013 Corner of Victoria Avenue and Ferguson Street. Hokowhitu Palmerston North Platanus x hispanica 'Acerifolia'
MWR/1053 2012 130 Te Awe Awe Street Hokowhitu Palmerston North Liriodendron tulipifera
MWR/G1054 2012 130 Te Awe Awe Street Hokowhitu Palmerston North Liriodendron tulipifera
MWR/1057 2012 130 Te Awe Awe Street Hokowhitu Palmerston North Taxus baccata 'Fastigiata'
MWR/1058 2012 130 Te Awe Awe Street Hokowhitu Palmerston North Cedrus deodara
MWR/G1052 2012 129 Kakariki Road Greatford Marton Cedrus atlantica
MWR/1050 2012 2066 State Highway 56 Longburn Palmerston North Quercus robur
MWR/1049 2012 117 Park Road Hokowhitu Palmerston North Nothofagus solandri
MWR/1051 2012 91 Florence Avenue Papaioea Palmerston North Ulmus glabra 'Horizontalis'
MWR/1042 2012 129 Kakariki Road Greatford Marton Pinus pinea
MWR/1043 2012 129 Kakariki Road. Greatford Marton Araucaria heterophylla
MWR/1044 2012 129 Kakariki Road Greatford Marton Pseudotsuga menziesii
MWR/1046 2012 129 Kakariki Road Greatford Marton Eucalyptus pilularis
MWR/1047 2012 129 Kakariki Road. Greatford Marton Metasequoia glyptostroboides
MWR/1041 2012 129 Kakariki Road Greatford Marton Cedrus atlantica
MWR/1045 2012 129 Kakariki Road Greatford Marton Sequoia sempervirens
MWR/1024 2012 Ngapaeruru Road Danniverke Podocarpus totara
MWR/1023 2012 Ballance Gorge Road Woodville Podocarpus totara
MWR/0300 2012 Te Parapara Road Rangiwahia Kimbolton Podocarpus totara
MWR/1048 2012 47 Te Awe Awe Street Hokowhitu Palmerston North Quercus robur
MWR/1644 2011 29 Fitzroy Street Palmerston North Ulmus glabra 'Camperdownii'
MWR/P0624 2000 67 Queenwood Road Levin Cedrus atlantica
MWR/P0366 1990 339 Rangiwahia Road Kimbolton Cupressus macrocarpa
MWR/P0295 1986 Koputaroa Road R.D 5 Levin Magnolia denudata
MWR/P0245 1986 60 McArthur Street Levin Podocarpus totara
MWR/P0097 1984 Weber Road Dannevirke Pinus radiata
MWR/P0098 1984 Weber Road Dannevirke Cupressus macrocarpa
MWR/P0099 1984 Weber Road Dannevirke Cupressus macrocarpa


Identifier Last Measured Street Address Suburb City Genus Species
SR/0351 2014 McIvor Road Waihopai Invercargill Araucaria araucana
SR/0495 2014 Cnr. Kelvin and Gala Streets Invercargill Tilia x europaea
SR/0502 2014 Queen's Drive Invercargill Ulmus glabra 'Horizontalis'
SR/0521 2014 500 North Road Waikiwi Invercargill Castanea sativa
SR/1225 2014 Gala Street Invercargill Metasequoia glyptostroboides
SR/P1211 2014 Huruhuru Road Otatara Invercargill Podocarpus totara
SR/1210 2014 Richard Street Riverton Pseudopanax crassifolius
SR/1209 2014 Harper Road Invercargill Cordyline australis
SR/1191 2013 Lumsden-Riversdale Hwy Riversdale Quercus robur
SR/G1182 2013 Lumsden-Riversdale Hwy Riversdale Quercus robur
SR/1192 2013 Kruger Street Balfour Sequoiadendron giganteum
SR/1193 2013 Kruger Street Balfour Sequoiadendron giganteum
SR/1143 2013 Mokomoko Road Omaui Leptospermum scoparium
SR/0798 2011 State Highway 90 Tapanui Eucalyptus gunnii
SR/0797 2011 Cnr of Devon & Vogel Streets Gore Sequoiadendron giganteum
SR/0534 1994 328 Tweed Street Invercargill Banksia integrifolia
SR/0535 1994 64 McKenzie Street Winton Cedrus deodara
SR/0516 1993 Devereux Road Winton Eucalyptus gunnii
SR/P0520 1993 Mokotua Road Mokotua Cordyline australis
SR/0523 1993 Dunns Road Invercargill Podocarpus totara
SR/0536 1993 151 Tay Street Invercargill Ulmus procera
SR/0494 1992 102 Albert Street Invercargill Parrotia persica
SR/0512 1992 349 Dee Street Invercargill Juglans regia
SR/0493 1992 758 Gore Mataura Highway Mataura Quercus robur
SR/0498 1992 McIvor Road Invercargill Eucalyptus globulus
SR/0522 1991 486 North Road Invercargill Magnolia campbellii


Identifier Last Measured Street Address Suburb City Genus Species
WTR/G1212 2014 Parkes Line Road Mangaroa Upper Hutt Quercus robur
WTR/0004 2013 Cnr. Rata and Orua Streets Eastbourne Lower Hutt City Metrosideros excelsa
WTR/0152 2011 Glenmore Street Kelburn Wellington Picea sitchensis
WTR/0830 2011 Barton Road Trentham Upper Hutt Dacrycarpus dacrydioides
WTR/0789 2011 112-114 Waipapa Road Hataitai Wellington Quercus suber
WTR/0791 2011 Percival Street Te Aro Wellington Platanus x hispanica 'Acerifolia'
WTR/0788 2010 Cnr. of Inverlochy Place & Abel Smith Street Te Aro Wellington Eucalyptus globulus
WTR/0077 2010 86 The Terrace CBD Wellington Metrosideros excelsa
WTR/0756 2010 160 Wilton Road Wilton Wellington Dacrydium cupressinum
WTR/1016 2010 1 Rugby Street Newtown Wellington Cedrus atlantica 'Glauca'
WTR/1017 2010 1 Rugby Street Newtown Wellington Cedrus atlantica 'Glauca'
WTR/0301 2010 Bolton Street Kelburn Wellington Quercus robur
WTR/0751 2010 60 Barton Rd Heretaunga Upper Hutt Podocarpus totara
WTR/0150 2010 Glenmore Street Kelburn Wellington Abies alba
WTR/0746 2010 60 Barton Rd Heretaunga Upper Hutt Liriodendron tulipifera
WTR/1018 2009 Dufferin Street Newtown Wellington Metasequoia glyptostroboides
WTR/0740 2009 Glenmore Street Kelburn Wellington Metasequoia glyptostroboides
WTR/0976 2008 Karapoti Road Upper Hutt Metrosideros robusta
WTR/0047 2002 48 Winara Avenue Waikanae Brachychiton acerifolius
WTR/P0638 2001 73 Rutherford Street Melling Lower Hutt Ulmus procera
WTR/0580 1998 135 Ringawhati Road Otaki Ilex aquifolium
WTR/P0514 1993 6 Chelmsford Street Ngaio Wellington Metrosideros robusta
WTR/0519 1993 707 Ferguson Drive Elderslea Upper Hutt Sophora microphylla
WTR/0499 1993 1 Boscobel Lane Tawa Cupressus macrocarpa
WTR/G0917 1993 10 Homewood Avenue Karori Wellington Dacrycarpus dacrydioides
WTR/0397 1992 Glenmore Street Thorndon Wellington Tilia x europaea
WTR/0398 1992 101 Glenmore Street Thorndon Wellington Pinus radiata
WTR/0399 1992 Glenmore Street Thorndon Wellington Pinus torreyana
WTR/P0400 1992 Glemore Street [not specified] Wellington Abies pindrow
WTR/0401 1992 Glenmore Street Thorndon Wellington Cedrus deodara
WTR/P0402 1992 Glemore Street [not specified] Wellington Cedrus deodara
WTR/0403 1992 Glenmore Street Thorndon Wellington Cedrus atlantica
WTR/0404 1992 Glenmore Street Wellington Cedrus libani
WTR/0405 1992 Glenmore Street Wellington Metrosideros excelsa
WTR/G0888 1992 101 Glenmore Street [not specified] Wellington Tilia x europaea
WTR/G0903 1992 101 Glenmore Street [not specified] Wellington Pinus radiata
WTR/G0904 1992 101 Glenmore Street [not specified] Wellington Cedrus deodara
WTR/0384 1991 Glenmore Street Kelburn Wellington Sequoia sempervirens
WTR/P0387 1991 Glemore Street [not specified] Wellington Pinus muricata
WTR/P0388 1991 Glemore Street [not specified] Wellington Pinus nigra subsp. laricio
WTR/0390 1991 Glenmore Street Thorndon Wellington Picea smithiana
WTR/0391 1991 Glenmore Street Thorndon Wellington Quercus suber
WTR/P0393 1991 27 Military Road [not specified] Lower Hutt Populus nigra
WTR/P0395 1991 Glemore Street [not specified] Wellington Abies x vilmorinii
WTR/0396 1991 Glemore Street [not specified] Wellington Pinus nigra subsp. laricio
WTR/0407 1991 Glenmore Street Thorndon Wellington Schinus velutina
WTR/P0408 1991 149 Whites Line East [not specified] Lower Hutt Nothofagus solandri var. cliffortioides
WTR/P0409 1991 149 Whites Line East [not specified] Lower Hutt Metrosideros excelsa
WTR/G0887 1991 101 Glenmore Street [not specified] Wellington Pinus muricata
WTR/G0900 1991 101 Glenmore Street [not specified] Wellington Pinus radiata
WTR/G0901 1991 101 Glenmore Street [not specified] Wellington Sequoia sempervirens
WTR/G0902 1991 101 Glenmore Street Wellington Quercus suber
WTR/0381 1991 Glenmore Street Thorndon Wellington Liriodendron tulipifera
WTR/P0382 1991 Glemore Street [not specified] Wellington Pinus radiata
WTR/P0383 1991 Glemore Street [not specified] Wellington Pinus radiata
WTR/G0919 1991 101 Glenmore Street [not specified] Wellington Pinus nigra subsp. laricio
WTR/G0886 1990 101 Glenmore Street [not specified] Wellington Pinus torreyana
WTR/0360 1990 160 Woburn Road Lower Hutt Liriodendron tulipifera
WTR/P0361 1990 Woburn Road [not specified] Lower Hutt Araucaria heterophylla
WTR/G0899 1990 101 Glenmore Street [not specified] Wellington Pinus pinea
WTR/0372 1990 Glenmore Street Thorndon Wellington Pinus pinea
WTR/0373 1990 Glemore Street Kelburn Wellington Pinus torreyana
WTR/P0374 1990 Glemore Street [not specified] Wellington Picea sitchensis
WTR/P0375 1990 Glemore Street [not specified] Wellington Abies cephalonica
WTR/P0376 1990 Glemore Street [not specified] Wellington Pinus radiata
WTR/0377 1990 Glenmore Street Thorndon Wellington Araucaria cunninghamii
WTR/P0378 1990 Glemore Street [not specified] Wellington Araucaria rulei
WTR/0379 1990 Glenmore Street Thorndon Wellington Sequoiadendron giganteum
WTR/0380 1990 Glenmore Street Thorndon Wellington Sequoiadendron giganteum
WTR/P0353 1989 9 Oak Avenue Paremata Porirua Eucalyptus globulus
WTR/P0306 1988 3 Toroa Road Otaihanga Cordyline australis
WTR/P0370 1988 1277 State Highway 1 Te Horo Otaki Magnolia x soulangeana
WTR/P0296 1987 132 Kings Crescent [not specified] Lower Hutt Magnolia campbellii
WTR/P0297 1987 617-619 Main Road North Te Marua Upper Hutt Prumnopitys taxifolia
WTR/0174 1986 53 Hobson Street, Thorndon Thorndn Wellington Acer pseudoplatanus
WTR/0148 1985 Cnr. Clifton Tce. and San Sebastian Road Wellington Liriodendron tulipifera
WTR/0151 1985 Glenmore Street Wellington Picea orientalis
WTR/0153 1985 Glenmore Street CBD Wellington Taxodium distichum
WTR/P0155 1985 Glemore Street Kelburn Wellington Pinus torreyana
WTR/0156 1985 Bowen Street Thorndon Wellington Pinus radiata
WTR/P0080 1983 Main Road Waikanae Sequoiadendron giganteum
WTR/P0090 1983 130d Woburn Road [not specified] Lower Hutt Ficus macrophylla
WTR/P0048 1982 121 Amohia Street [not specified] Paraparaumu Dacrydium cupressinum
WTR/P0049 1982 121 Amohia Street Paraparaumu Magnolia grandiflora
WTR/P0033 1981 Atkins Road South Manakau Araucaria heterophylla
WTR/0034 1981 64 Homewood Avenue Karori Wellington Podocarpus totara
WTR/0035 1981 31 Karu Crescent Waikanae Ginkgo biloba
WTR/P0036 1981 59 Laings Road [not specified] Lower Hutt Araucaria heterophylla
WTR/0015 1980 23 Nikau Street Eastbourne Lower Hutt Agathis australis
WTR/P0021 1980 Belmont Road Pauatahanui Porirua Castanea sativa
WTR/0009 1979 7 Avalon Crescent Naenae Lower Hutt Styphnolobium japonicum 'Pendula'
WTR/P0010 1979 7 Avalon Crescent Naenae Lower Hutt Fraxinus excelsior 'Pendula'
WTR/P0011 1979 7a Avalon Crescent Naenae Lower Hutt Magnolia campbellii
WTR/0012 1979 19a Nikau Street Eastbourne Agathis australis
WTR/0013 1979 9 Avalon Crescent Naenae Lower Hutt Castanopsis cuspidata
WTR/0016 1979 214 Stokes Valley Road Stokes Valley Lower Hutt Quercus robur
WTR/P0017 1979 222 Stokes Valley Road [not specified] Lower Hutt Quercus robur
WTR/P0018 1979 222 Stokes Valley Road [not specified] Lower Hutt Quercus robur
WTR/P0019 1979 222 Stokes Valley Road [not specified] Lower Hutt Quercus robur
WTR/P0020 1979 222 Stokes Valley Road [not specified] Lower Hutt Quercus robur


Identifier Last Measured Street Address Suburb City Genus Species
WGR/1156 2013 2066 Whanganui River Road Atene Wanganui Juglans regia
WGR/0998 2009 Anzac Parade Wanganui East Wanganui Taxodium distichum
WGR/0722 2009 Anzac Parade Wanganui East Wanganui Metasequoia glyptostroboides
WGR/0488 2009 Rangitatau East Road Kai Iwi Wanganui Cercis siliquastrum
WGR/1005 2008 110 Great North Road Wanganui Metasequoia glyptostroboides
WGR/0490 1992 Rangitatau East Road Kai Iwi Wanganui Fagus sylvatica 'Purpurea'
WGR/0486 1992 Rangitatau East Road Kai Iwi Wanganui Pseudotsuga menziesii
WGR/0487 1992 Rangitatau East Road Kai Iwi Wanganui Beilschmiedia tawa
WGR/P0222 1986 Pukenaua Road [not specified] Taihape Juglans regia
WGR/0223 1986 Greatford Road Bulls-Taihape Highway Bulls Dacrycarpus dacrydioides
WGR/0224 1986 Greatford Road Bulls-Taihape Highway Bulls Podocarpus totara

Area Outside Territorial Authority

Identifier Last Measured Street Address Suburb City Genus Species
AOTA/1120 2013 Raoul Island Raoul Island Araucaria heterophylla
AOTA/1152 2013 Raoul Island Raoul Island Metrosideros kermadecensis
AOTA/1144 2013 Raoul Island Raoul Island Pseudopanax kermadecensis

Hawke's Bay

Identifier Last Measured Street Address Suburb City Genus Species
HBR/1123 2013 1215 State Highway 50 RD3 Napier 4183 Taradale Napier Populus deltoides subsp. monilifera ‘Frimley’
HBR/0194 2012 710 Roberts Street Mahora Hastings Tilia x europaea
HBR/0096 2012 232 St Georges Road Hastings Quercus phellos
HBR/0203 2012 441 Frimley Road Frimley Hastings Casuarina cunninghamiana
HBR/0121 2012 133 Ormond Road Hastings Pinus canariensis
HBR/0122 2012 133 Ormond Road Hastings Quercus robur
HBR/0120 2012 133 Ormond Road Hastings Picea sitchensis
HBR/0119 2012 133 Ormond Road Hastings Liriodendron tulipifera
HBR/0117 2012 133 Ormond Road Hastings Carya ovata
HBR/0123 2012 133 Ormond Road Hastings Picea smithiana
HBR/0209 2011 Frimley Road Frimley Hastings Pinus coulteri
HBR/0210 2011 Frimley Road Frimley Hastings Populus deltoides subsp. monilifera ‘Frimley’
HBR/0827 2011 Makeretu Road Ongaonga Podocarpus totara
HBR/0825 2011 Pohokura Road, Tutira, Hawkes Bay Tutira Prumnopitys taxifolia
HBR/0183 2009 Fitzroy Avenue Mahora Hastings Metasequoia glyptostroboides
HBR/P0249 2009 106 Lindsay Road Waipukurau Pinus nigra subsp. laricio
HBR/0673 2005 8 - 14 Busby Hill Havelock North Cupressus sempervirens
HBR/G0915 2005 8 - 14 Busby Hill Havelock North Cupressus sempervirens
HBR/0669 2004 35 Seapoint Road Napier Sequoiadendron giganteum
HBR/G0925 2003 Raupare Road Twyford Hastings Quercus robur
HBR/G0931 2003 106 Greenhill Road Raukawa Hastings Quercus robur
HBR/0656 2003 188 Havelock Road Hastings Sequoiadendron giganteum
HBR/0657 2003 Willowpark Road North Mayfair Hastings Quercus robur
HBR/0659 2003 190 Argyll East Street Argyll East Waipawa Quercus robur
HBR/G0907 2003 105 Greenhill Road Raukawa Hastings Styphnolobium japonicum
HBR/0642 2002 105 Greenhill Road Rawkawa Hastings Ulmus americana
HBR/P0643 2002 105 Greenhill Road Raukawa Hastings Abies pinsapo
HBR/P0644 2002 105 Greenhill Road Raukawa Hastings Styphnolobium japonicum
HBR/P0646 2002 105 Greenhill Road Raukawa Hastings Quercus ilex
HBR/G0906 2002 105 Greenhill Road Rawkawa Hastings Ulmus americana
HBR/G0908 2002 105 Greenhill Road Raukawa Hastings Prunus dulcis
HBR/P0645 2001 105 Greenhill Road Raukawa Hastings Mespilus germanica
HBR/P0647 2001 105 Greenhill Road Raukawa Hastings Prunus dulcis
HBR/0617 2000 28 Kuku Street Te Awanga Corynocarpus laevigatus
HBR/0603 1999 51 Duart Road Havelock North Quercus robur
HBR/P0597 1996 136 Main Road [not specified] Clive Fagus sylvatica
HBR/P0598 1996 136 Main Road [not specified] Clive Acer palmatum
HBR/0599 1996 136 Main Road Clive Phoenix canariensis
HBR/0491 1992 1203 Louie Street Parkvale Hastings Quercus x heterophylla
HBR/P0369 1990 Ormond Road [not specified] Hastings Quercus robur
HBR/G0924 1988 Karamu Road North Waipatu Hastings Aesculus x carnea
HBR/G0928 1988 17 Omarunui Road Taradale Napier Trachycarpus fortunei
HBR/0308 1988 17 Omarunui Road Taradale Napier Araucaria bidwillii
HBR/0309 1988 17 Omarunui Road Taradale Napier Fagus sylvatica 'Purpurea'
HBR/0310 1988 17 Omarunui Road Taradale Napier Ficus macrophylla
HBR/P0311 1988 17 Omarunui Road Taradale Napier Jacaranda mimosifolia
HBR/0312 1988 17 Omarunui Road Taradale Napier Quercus robur
HBR/P0314 1988 17 Omarunui Road Taradale Napier Trachycarpus fortunei
HBR/P0315 1988 Pakowhai Road [not specified] Waiohiki Alectryon excelsus
HBR/P0316 1988 Pakowhai Road [not specified] Waiohiki Castanospermum australe
HBR/P0317 1988 Pakowhai Road [not specified] Waiohiki Grevillea robusta
HBR/P0318 1988 Pakowhai Road [not specified] Waiohiki Liriodendron tulipifera
HBR/P0319 1988 Pakowhai Road [not specified] Waiohiki Melaleuca styphelioides
HBR/P0320 1988 Pakowhai Road [not specified] Waiohiki Pinus montezumae
HBR/P0321 1988 Pakowhai Road [not specified] Waiohiki Podocarpus elatus
HBR/P0322 1988 Pakowhai Road [not specified] Waiohiki Fagus sylvatica 'Purpurea'
HBR/P0323 1988 Karamu Road North Waipatu Hastings Aesculus x carnea
HBR/P0324 1988 Karamu Road North Waipatu Hastings Cedrus deodara
HBR/P0327 1988 Karamu Road North Waipatu Hastings Pinus radiata
HBR/P0328 1988 Karamu Road North Waipatu Hastings Ulmus procera
HBR/P0329 1988 Karamu Road North Waipatu Hastings Platanus x hispanica 'Acerifolia'
HBR/P0330 1988 Karamu Road North Waipatu Hastings Populus deltoides
HBR/P0331 1988 Karamu Road North Waipatu Hastings Sequoiadendron giganteum
HBR/G0910 1988 Karamu Road North Waipatu Hastings Sequoiadendron giganteum
HBR/0256 1987 901 Omahu Road Hastings Magnolia grandiflora
HBR/0257 1987 901 Omahu Road Hastings Pseudotsuga menziesii
HBR/0258 1987 901 Omahu Road Frimley Hastings Quercus palustris
HBR/0259 1987 901 Omahu Road Hastings Sequoiadendron giganteum
HBR/0260 1987 901 Omahu Road Frimley Hastings Sequoia sempervirens
HBR/0261 1987 901 Omahu Road Frimley Hastings Ulmus glabra
HBR/P0262 1987 901 Omahu Road Hastings Chamaecyparis lawsoniana
HBR/0263 1987 901 Omahu Road Frimley Hastings Quercus robur
HBR/0246 1987 106 Lindsay Road Waipukurau Araucaria cunninghamii
HBR/P0247 1987 106 Lindsay Road [not specified] Waipukurau Catalpa bignonioides
HBR/P0248 1987 106 Lindsay Road Waipukurau Liriodendron tulipifera
HBR/P0250 1987 106 Lindsay Road Waipukurau Pinus roxburghii
HBR/P0251 1987 106 Lindsay Road Waipukurau Populus deltoides subsp. monilifera ‘Frimley’
HBR/P0252 1987 106 Lindsay Road Waipukurau Quercus robur
HBR/P0253 1987 106 Lindsay Road Waipukurau Ulmus procera
HBR/0254 1987 901 Omahu Road Hastings Aesculus hippocastanum
HBR/0255 1987 901 Omahu Road Frimley Hastings Cedrus deodara
HBR/G0934 1986 Mt. Herbert Road [not specified] Waipukurau Quercus robur
HBR/P0157 1986 5740 Highway 50 Tikokino Cedrus deodara
HBR/P0160 1986 5740 State Highway 50 Tikokino Thuja plicata
HBR/0162 1986 5740 Highway 50 Tikokino Pinus patula
HBR/P0165 1986 5740 Highway 50 Tikokino 4274 Tikokino Pseudotsuga menziesii
HBR/P0168 1986 5740 Highway 50 Tikokino Quercus castaneifolia
HBR/P0169 1986 5740 State Highway 50 Tikokino Pinus radiata
HBR/P0170 1986 5740 Highway 50 Tikokino Larix decidua
HBR/P0171 1986 5740 Highway 50 Tikokino 4274 Tikokino Sequoiadendron giganteum
HBR/P0172 1986 5740 Highway 50 Tikokino Quercus rubra
HBR/P0173 1986 5740 Highway 50 Tikokino Pinus wallichiana
HBR/0179 1986 529 Blackburn Rd Ongaonga Araucaria bidwillii
HBR/0180 1986 Fitzroy Avenue Mahora Hastings Cedrus atlantica
HBR/0181 1986 Fitzroy Avenue Mahora Hastings Cedrus deodara
HBR/0182 1986 Fitzroy Avenue Mahora Hastings Ginkgo biloba
HBR/0184 1986 Fitzroy Avenue Mahora Hastings Morus alba
HBR/0185 1986 Fitzroy Avenue Mahora Hastings Platanus x hispanica 'Acerifolia'
HBR/0186 1986 Fitzroy Avenue Mahora Hastings Podocarpus totara
HBR/0188 1986 Fitzroy Avenue Mahora Hastings Quercus coccinea
HBR/0189 1986 Fitzroy Avenue Mahora Hastings Quercus robur
HBR/0190 1986 Fitzroy Avenue Mahora Hastings Salix matsudana 'Tortuosa'
HBR/0191 1986 Fitzroy Avenue Mahora Hastings Sequoiadendron giganteum
HBR/0192 1986 Fitzroy Avenue Mahora Hastings Sequoia sempervirens
HBR/0195 1986 Fitzroy Avenue Mahora Hastings Ulmus glabra 'Horizontalis'
HBR/P0196 1986 Fitzroy Avenue Mahora Hastings Ulmus procera
HBR/0198 1986 Fitzroy Avenue Mahora Hastings Podocarpus totara
HBR/0199 1986 Frimley Road Frimley Hastings Aesculus hippocastanum
HBR/0201 1986 Frimley Road Frimley Hastings Betula pendula
HBR/0202 1986 Frimley Road Frimley Hastings Brachychiton populneus
HBR/0204 1986 Frimley Road Frimley Hastings Cinnamomum camphora
HBR/0205 1986 Frimley Road Frimley Hastings Crataegus x lavalleei
HBR/0206 1986 Frimley Road Frimley Hastings Cryptomeria japonica
HBR/0207 1986 Frimley Road Frimley Hastings Eucalyptus sideroxylon
HBR/0208 1986 Frimley Road Frimley Hastings Photinia serratifolia
HBR/0212 1986 Frimley Road Frimley Hastings Quercus ilex
HBR/0215 1986 Frimley Road Frimley Hastings Ulmus procera
HBR/P0216 1986 Princess Street Parkvale Hastings Acer negundo
HBR/0217 1986 Princess Street Parkvale Hastings Liquidambar styraciflua
HBR/P0218 1986 Princes Street Parkvale Hastings Liriodendron tulipifera
HBR/P0219 1986 Princes Street Parkvale Hastings Quercus palustris
HBR/P0220 1986 Princess Street Parkvale Hastings Quercus robur
HBR/0221 1986 Princess Street Parkvale Hastings Taxodium distichum
HBR/0226 1986 302 Mount Herbert Road Waipukurau Araucaria bidwillii
HBR/P0227 1986 Mt. Herbert Road [not specified] Waipukurau Cupressus torulosa
HBR/P0228 1986 Mt. Herbert Road [not specified] Waipukurau Cupressus lusitanica
HBR/G0892 1986 5740 Highway 50 Tikokino Pinus wallichiana
HBR/0229 1986 302 Mount Herbert Road Waipukurau Pinus radiata
HBR/P0230 1986 Mt. Herbert Road [not specified] Waipukurau Sequoia sempervirens
HBR/P0231 1986 Mt. Herbert Road [not specified] Waipukurau Ulmus procera
HBR/P0232 1986 Mt. Herbert Road [not specified] Waipukurau Quercus robur
HBR/P0149 1985 Omahu Road [not specified] Hastings Betula pubescens
HBR/P0161 1985 5740 Highway 50 Tikokino Pinus ponderosa
HBR/P0125 1985 Pakowhai Road [not specified] Hastings Nyssa sylvatica
HBR/P0126 1985 Pakowhai Road [not specified] Hastings Aesculus x carnea
HBR/P0127 1985 Tuki Tuki Road Havelock North Eucalyptus globulus
HBR/0078 1984 Taihape Road Fernhill Hastings Taxus baccata 'Fastigiata'
HBR/P0079 1984 Napier - Taihape Road Fernhill Hastings Cupressus sempervirens
HBR/0093 1984 Omahu Road Hastings Platanus x hispanica 'Acerifolia'
HBR/P0094 1984 420 North King Street [not specified] Hastings Magnolia denudata
HBR/P0095 1984 420 North King Street [not specified] Hastings Magnolia hypoleuca
HBR/0118 1984 133 Ormond Road Hastings Fraxinus excelsior 'Jaspidea'
HBR/0065 1982 11a Haumoana Road Haumoana Hastings Phytolacca dioica
HBR/P0022 1980 17 Toop Street Havelock North Castanea sativa


Identifier Last Measured Street Address Suburb City Genus Species
GR/0940 2011 1131 Whakarau Rd Te Karaka Cupressus macrocarpa
GR/0661 2010 36 Haronga Road Gisborne Araucaria heterophylla
GR/0707 2009 2392 Wharekopae Rd Ngatapa Metasequoia glyptostroboides
GR/P0124 1986 RD1 Waipaoa Acacia melanoxylon
GR/0178 1984 Awanui Road South Port Awanui Ruatoria Olea europaea


Identifier Last Measured Street Address Suburb City Genus Species
COR/0676 2004 West Crescent Te Puru Thames Metrosideros excelsa

Copyright © New Zealand Notable Trees Trust 2009. The NZNTT register is provided and supported by Turboweb.